Financial Aid package 2014-2015

<p>Has anyone received any financial aide package yet?</p>

<p>nah, we should hear back by the end of the month though.</p>

<p>I hope so. I thought everyone was supposed to be notified by March 15. Maybe that was the FAFSA deadline. </p>

<p>According to the TCU website…</p>

<p>“Academic Scholarships
Apply for admission to the University by February 15. (No additional application is necessary.) Scholarship recipients will be notified in mid March.”</p>

<p>My D hasn’t received anything yet. She was admitted in mid-February.</p>

<p>My D was admitted in December. We haven’t heard anything. I did try the net price calculator, but don’t know how accurate it is. I wish they would let us know. Need to make a decision.</p>

<p>My D was admitted in December with the academic scholarship offer included in the initial letter. I hate to say that I think all academic scholarship offers have gone out and now it’s the need-based financial aid only. Don’t know that for sure but seems likely.</p>

<p>I called TCU Fin Aid yesterday to ask about award letters and the person said that they are sending out this week. The other schools my son got admitted to already sent out their award letters. I’m with thriftywoman… we need this info to make a decision! Meanwhile, he’s going on a shadow day and dorm overnight. I hope the award letter is decent…</p>

<p>… and I really hope that all the scholarships are not gone (as terriw suggested). Oh no!</p>

<p>Financial Aid posted today. No scholarships just grant and loans. </p>

<p>I see that. It looks grim. I wonder if scholarship announcements are still forthcoming or if this is “it.” SIGH</p>

<p>Momcam, seems like scholarships notifications would have been sent out first then need based aid. Good Luck! Now to figure out how to pay for my D.</p>

<p>You are correct. After my email inquiry, the fin aid office nicely replied with “Merit and academic based scholarships are awarded separately, from the Office of Admissions. I will send your question to their office so they can explain to you their awarding process.” Office of Admissions didn’t explain any process. They simply wrote me stating that my son “was not awarded an academic-based scholarship.” I have no idea how to pay for it all. Maybe TCU is off the list. :frowning: Good luck to all!</p>

<p>My D got a 13k grant plus subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loan. The balance is still 32k half we can pay but will have to apply for CAL loan for the remaining balance. Have to wait for state college package now. Your son might still get a large grant. Good Luck.</p>

<p>Having a S graduating from TCU in May and a D entering in Aug., I can tell you we brace ourselves for the “other” costs – travel (OOS flights), Greek (if so inclined), higher rent and related (after sophomore year). Even with both having 50% tuition and fee scholarships, the costs are daunting…but all those costs are not unique to TCU. Just ones to think through as you look at total cost of attendance.</p>

<p>Terriw was it worth paying all that money? I’m still debating if it’s worth sacrificing so much for my D to go there.</p>

<p>Not knowing what you might be sacrificing, the benefits are: nice class size, really great instructors, motivated students – for the most part – and overall quality as far as the extras of a college experience – sports, facilities, activities, etc. The college is very concerned about the well-being of the students and seem to be appropriately involved. My S is a Biology major and was accepted to medical school for the fall…he thinks the program was great and the pre-med advisors take a very active role in helping them get into medical school. I think the total experience helped him be successful in the med school quest. His friends – for the most part – have jobs coming out of graduation. I can’t say what the value exchange is for your family but would say we were willing to let our D go there even if she hadn’t gotten a scholarship (it just would have hurt a bit more). And we aren’t rich!! </p>

<p>Terri, Thank you for the information. Makes me feel better about our decision. I only have one daughter and I want her to get the best education. </p>

<p>Terri: I’ve heard financial aid, aside from any merit award, declines in the second year. Can you tell me if you experienced that? (assuming FAFSA remains the same…)</p>

<p>Sorry, just saw this. I can’t speak to regular financial aid as my kids only received merit based awards; which stay constant (GPA dependent) for the full four years.</p>

<p>No, financial aid has not declined for us. It actually has gone up to match TCU’s rising tuition cost. </p>