Financial Aid packages

<p>Any idea when FA awards will start arriving? My D was accepted EA so I am hoping they come soon.</p>

<p>should be early april</p>

<p>Really? I was told they were arriving mid-late march for EA accepted students. I thought early April was for RD folks? Or are they just sending them all out later this year?</p>

<p>S was admitted EA, and we are quite disappointed that no finaid package has arrived yet. Nothing arrived from his other EA school, either.</p>

<p>Has anyone called the fin aid office and asked what day they will mail the letters?
I’m getting really nerveous, and I’m sure others are too. :/</p>

<p>At this point I’m simply guessing that all the finaid packages will be sent out together (EA and RD), since it’s already March 21. Two of my son’s other schools (one wasn’t even EA) have already sent finaid packages, and one is a private university, so it could have been accomplished…</p>

<p>good call HS09Parent</p>

<p>D just returned from Reilly Weekend. At the Financial Aid meeting they were informed Financial Aid packages for EA students would be mailed on Monday (30th). Not sure about when RD packages will be sent.</p>