<p>If I do not apply for financial aid, and let's say I might need it later on for whatever reason, am I still eligible for aid later on? Is this generally the case with most other privates as well?</p>
<p>I don’t know if it’s true at other private schools (though I suspect it is), but it is definitely true at MIT that you can apply for financial aid in later school years, even if you did not get aid freshman year. And if you do get aid freshman year but your circumstances change, your aid will change too – everybody is reevaluated every year.</p>
<p>you have to reapply for financial aid every years in college, so yes, you can get aid for your sophomore year if you didn’t for your freshmen year b/c you have to apply for financial aid every year</p>
<p>You can apply for financial aid every year you’re at MIT. And if your financial aid situation drastically – say, a parent is laid off – you can also talk to the financial aid office and request a reassessment of your financial aid. I’m not saying that you’ll always receive good news from the financial aid office, but readjustments are definitely possible, as your family’s economic situation changes.</p>
<p>I have heard that MIT is very accommodating with financial aid, which is very good for me.</p>