Financial aid questions

<p>I still don't quie understand how financial aid works for Stanford. Thanks for any help. :)
If Stanford gave you money for "personal expenses", when do they actually give the aid to you and in what form (cash, Cardinal card, etc)? If you order textbooks and school supplies online, how will you show "proof" to Stanford to compensate since you received aid for such needs? If anticipated aid is greater than the expenses (even though expenses include personal expenses), can you still use the extra money on personal expenses? </p>

<p>thanks again! I am so confused about financial aid (and my university bill still has not arrived).</p>

<p>stanford factors in personal expenses and books into your fin aid package. you don't actually get any aid. they just assume a certain amount and go from there. they don't compensate you for books or anything. and if you aid is greater than your expenses or is more than what THE STUDENT CONTRIBUTION is, then stanford keeps the extra money.</p>

<p>so my suggestion is you send all the scholarships you have that are made out to STANFORD to stanford. and all the ones in YOUR NAME you keep. b/c if you give stanford all you scholarships and they end up being more than you need, you don't get anything back. so don't tell stanford about ALL your scholarships at once, just in case some make the check out to you and not the school.</p>

<p>don't outside scholarships sent to Stanford cover for such expenses as books and supplies? The financial aid award that Stanford gave me is enough to cover ALL of the anticipated aid (books, supplies, personal, miscellaneous) and I do not have to take out any loans. Where does the aid award go if I am buying books and related supplies with my own money?</p>

<p>the scholarhships covr STUDENT CONTRIBUTION only. this doesn't include what you need to make over the summer. so basically scholarship covers the $4000 perkins loan stanford offers, then any work study, and that's it.</p>