Hi guys,
I recently got admitted to Oxy.
However the financial aid they gave me was not a lot.
I’m not ungrateful its just that 58k is still a lot to pay and I was wondering if there is any way to negotiate with the admissions department/financial aid office or gain more financial aid.
Thanks in advance. 
Were you admitted under the ED 2 deadline (I’m assuming bc of when you heard back)? There is a way to back out of ED if you don’t receive enough aid. I would recommend emailing or calling and telling them your predicament and they will probably bring you another offer. If it wasn’t ED then email them and share the other colleges you’ve gotten into and say that Oxy is definitely your top choice, but other schools have offered better deals and you need a little help with Oxy.
Thanks man!
I’ll let you know what they say.
Crossing my fingers