<p>California is out of money; that's where the CC money comes from. You've finished your AA, so you are ineligible for additional funding/coursework through the Financial Aid office. You can take additional coursework at the CC, but it will be on your own funding. </p>
<p>FYI: We just visited Long Beach State and the Dean of Engineering told us that the State has advised it's colleges and universities that they will no longer fund "indecisive" or "permanent" students. What this means is that there is a maximum limit of courses and units that will be allowed towards a degree. Anything on top of that is fully for paid by the student.</p>
<p>He added, "You know those students who keep taking courses for the sake of the experience? Their units will be monitored and they will be billed for anything over what is expected for the major and graduation."</p>
<p>But, taking courses at a community college is a LOT cheaper than taking courses at a UC!</p>