financial aid woes...

<p>So i did the fafsa and css before the deadline was due and it supposedly went through according to fafsa and css but...
I logged onto the USC portal thing and checked the financial aid box and i got this message </p>

<p>"We have not received any application documents for federal or USC need-based financial aid programs.</p>

<p>To initiate an application for federal or USC need-based financial aid, please submit a FAFSA. We will notify you if any additional documents are required.</p>

<p>If you wish to be considered for only a Federal Parent PLUS Direct Loan, please submit a FAFSA and complete an Enrollment & Housing Form.</p>

<p>If you are not applying for financial aid but are expecting to receive a scholarship, please direct any questions to the department or organization issuing the scholarship."</p>

<p>but all my other schools received my fafsa and my css. is this normal?
and i havent gotten any emails from them regarding extra forms and on the FA page it says 0 required forms and 0 received forms
did i do something wrong or is this normal? </p>

<p>does this basically mean that i get no FA even if i get in -___-</p>

<p>please ):</p>

<p>Call the usc FAid office in the morning and see what they say. Explain the situation and see what the options are </p>

<p>Make sure you’re looking at the right semester.</p>

<p>Check your FAFSA and CSS/Profile to be sure that USC was included as a recipient. As Himom says, call FA today and as veritasrmc says be sure you are looking at the correct semester and year.</p>

<p>If it turns out nothing was submitted and you are accepted, submit everything ASAP and you WILL get the financial aid for which you qualify. The one item that late filers cannot get is California residents who would be eligible for Cal Grant but who did not apply will not have the Cal Grant replaced in their packages in most cases (Cal Grant is administered by CSAC, not USC, no there is nothing USC can do if you didn’t apply for Cal Grant).</p>

<p>Ditto what veritasrmc said. When we were searching for info, we had clicked on the tab for the year before, accidentally. So make sure you are looking at the one for 2014-2015. Also make sure the portal didn’t ask for additional information (like downloads of tax forms, etc.). That is easily missed. Good luck! (But yes - calling USC directly is the best course of action)</p>