Financial Aid

<p>This is my first (and only) child to put through college so I don't really know how this works. We still have not received any word regarding financial aid. We have been working with the financial aid office since March 6th completing form after form, verifying all the information, submitting all kinds of documentation.......and we have heard nothing! My question is: do you get notified if you don't receive any financial aid? Or do you hear nothing? I have spoken and emailed repeatedly with my financial aid advisor and I must be honest when I tell you I am very disappointed in the lack of information and assistance from the FA office. I simply need to know because the committment deadline is looming and if we aren't getting any aid then he is going to have to start the financial aid process from scratch at another school and we are really behind now! Ugh, so frustrated with this.</p>

<p>Sorry I don’t know the answer to your questions. On the same topic, does anyone know if you must “accept” your TCU merit scholarship offer on-line via before the May 1st deadline or can that be done at a later date and still be good?</p>

<p>IAMom, Keep checking your web site. Call the Financial Aid to help you if you don’t understand how to use it. They definitely will give you your package before May 1. </p>

<p>KPatter, I’m not sure about the scholarship acceptance, but call them. Texas folks are super nice! You don’t want to miss your scholarship.</p>