Financial Aid

<p>Do you have to send copies of your W2's & tax returns to Wash U if you applied for aid? I can't find anything about it on their website. Every other school my son applied to required them.</p>

<p>I didn't send anything in and there doesnt say anything on the finaid site about it when you log in to make sure everything is in. Just to make sure I would call the office.</p>

<p>just called, they don't need those info.</p>

<p>they don't need w2's and tax returns? that's different.</p>

<p>yeah i just filled out my css profile thing, and out of the schools that require it, they only asked for taxes for johns hopkins and dartmouth, so i guess washU is just willing to go on faith that the applicants don't just make up their finances.
then again they can always ask for a specific person's if his forms are suspicious</p>

<p>Here is the financial aid website. Student</a> Financial Services They require the FAFSA, WashU's own financial aid application and copies of tax returns I believe.</p>

<p>aha! found it</p>

If you choose to attend Washington University, we will ask you to submit the FAFSA and federal income tax returns in order to complete your file.


<p>bottom of Apply</a> for Financial Assistance</p>

<p>SO AT THIS POINT, YOU DON'T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT SUBMITTING TAX RETURNS! you only send them after you decide to attend and enroll</p>