Financial Aid

<p>When do we get an estimate of grant, scholarships and etc?</p>

<p>I would want to know before I choose to enroll. I submitted my FAFSA early January and I was in the first wave to be accepted. I’m really curious to see how much I’d get.</p>

<p>Did you check your MyCalPoly portal? It should be under the Money Matters tab.</p>

<p>It says “You have no financial aid awards available for viewing in this aid year.”</p>

<p>Could it be a problem with my account?</p>

<p>Did you specify that your application be sent to Cal Poly when you filled out your FAFSA? They certainly should have received it by now, if you submitted your FAFSA back in January. You can add a school to your FAFSA on the web site.</p>

<p>Yes, I sent it to Cal Poly. I know they received it because when I view the financial aid summary it lists my EFC.</p>

<p>I found this on the financial aid link of the web site:</p>

<p>Students should start checking their portals in late March or early April for updates on their financial aid status and to see if additional documents are needed to finalize awards.</p>

<p>Cal Poly does not require a separate scholarship application to be considered for Cal Poly scholarships. Scholarship decisions are based primarily on college/major/GPA and if new, admissions data. Scholarship notification occurs via the financial aid award notice. Students should check their portal and /or watch for Cal Poly email notification.</p>

<p>[Cal</a> Poly Financial Aid](<a href=“]Cal”></p>

<p>If this doesn’t help, you should probably give them a call …</p>

<p>Oh, I guess I will wait until April. Thanks</p>