<p>Has anyone gotten their financial aid package yet? Or know when it should be out?</p>
<p>All the other UC's have given their estimations...</p>
<p>Has anyone gotten their financial aid package yet? Or know when it should be out?</p>
<p>All the other UC's have given their estimations...</p>
<p>nope! i haven’t even gotten my “official” acceptance letter in the mail…just online.</p>
<p>You might try checking here:</p>
<p><a href=“https://www.ofas.uci.edu/visualaid/login.aspx?return_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ofas.uci.edu%2Fvisualaid%2FDefault.aspx[/url]”>UCInetID Secure Web Login;
<p>it just says they received my forms…no sign of how much they are willing to give me</p>
<p>If that’s what it says when you click on “My Aid Application Status,” then I guess that means they haven’t made the decision yet.</p>
<p>Strangely, they’ve already decided that my son doesn’t need any money. ;-)</p>
<p>"All the other UC’s have given their estimations… "?</p>
<p>UCSB too? This is what they say when I signed on…</p>
<p>"If you are admitted to UCSB, the Financial Aid Office will determine your unofficial financial aid eligibility and post it on this web site. Unofficial financial aid eligibility and other basic financial aid information will be posted beginning in early April. "</p>
<p>You guys, if I don’t have fAFSA filed, can I get any aid?"</p>
<p>^^ Unlikely, but talk to FA. If eligible, you may get some loans…</p>