<p>Can anyone share their thoughts on this program? I'm a finance major and I just transferred here and I've recently become interested in this program. My goal is to do investment banking or management consulting.</p>
<li><p>Will this program help in obtaining a career in IB or MC?</p></li>
<li><p>How competitive is it to get admitted?</p></li>
<li><p>Can I still join if I'm a junior and I've already signed up for my Fall classes? (I think it's just a 1.5 year program)</p></li>
<p>i’m a sophomore but i’m a finance major and i’ve been interested in it for a while. all i know about it is that yes it’s an amazing program and it will help with IB jobs for sure, it’s very competitive (most admits are bhp students), and i think that’s fine as long as the application date hasn’t passed yet. i’m pretty sure it’s a 1.5 year program. look it up, there’s information about it on the mccombs site</p>
<p>Great program if you want to do IB, not so much for strat consulting or S&T</p>
<li><p>Yes, FAP has their own internal network within McCombs and definitely put out a helping hand in getting a first round BB interview. The rest is totally on you though.</p></li>
<p>Have fun editing pitchbooks 90 hours a week.</p>
<p>^ Are you in the FAP?</p>
<p>I am a student in the Business Honors Program, majoring in Quantitative Finance (a new track) and am also in the Financial Analyst Program. I will most likley end up in management consulting but I still think that FAP is a great program. You can definitely join, even as a rising junior, since applications only go out in the fall anyway. The interview and selection process is surely competitive, but if Finance is your passion, you should have no trouble getting into the program. This past year, I learned a lot from the class and professor that helped me take a hands-on approach to finance. I am on the Investment Professionals track (the others being MBA Investment Fund and Real Estate Investment Trust tracks) and it has been a great experience. Even if you do not know you want to do investment banking, it is a good program for the classroom experience and looks good on a resume.</p>
<p>PM me if you have more detailed questions.</p>