Find out Early!

<p>well maybe for college of engineering… i was applying to computer engineering. and amsharm did you apply for financial aid?</p>



<p>You should have. Are you sure that the 3.8 GPA you posted is the correct conversion to an unweighted 4.00 GPA scale and that all of your information was received on time?</p>



<p>You’re an international undergraduate applicant, correct? If that is the case, you cannot apply for Finaid. </p>






<p>I know a lot about GT, but I don’t work in undergraduate admissions, so I don’t know. But it does make sense that they would have these in the system several days early. </p>

<p>This is similar to what happens with grades: grades must be entered on Monday after finals week, but they’re not released to students until Tuesday. However, if you check your transcript, the grades are posted early.</p>



<p>Georgia Tech does not consider subject tests, and they DO consider things outside of test scores and GPA. Due to the increased competitiveness of admissions this year, I suspect Tech was able to/had to start making decisions by using factors such as extra-curricular involvement, strength of application essay, etc… If admissions only cared about scores and GPA, they would not have you write an essay or explain what you did outside of class during high school.</p>

<p>For those who were wait-listed. Tech usually accepts several hundred off the wait-list each year, so you still have a chance.</p>

<p>hmm GP i had calculate on a basis of 4 for every A and 3 for every B… which would transform to 3.8… and yeah it says application received on jan 18th (thats when app would have moved to their server… i submitted it on 15th) and my test scores and everything had reached in time…atleast thats what it said earlier and I had checked with the tracking system and everything
Admission Term: Fall 2010
Entering Status: International Freshman
Requested Enrollment Date: Jan 18, 2010
Current Application Status: Wait List Offer
Program: BS in Computer Engineering
Campus of Study: Georgia Tech-Atlanta *
Field of Study: Computer Engineering</p>

<p>waitlisted :frowning: i really wanan go to tech…</p>

<p>Admission Term: Fall 2010
Entering Status: International Freshman
Requested Enrollment Date: Jan 26, 2010
Current Application Status: Wait List Offer
Program: BS in International Affairs
Campus of Study: Georgia Tech-Atlanta *
Field of Study: International Affairs </p>

<p>i had SAT 1820 GPA 3.86

<p>and in India we dont have any AP courses or anything its just 5 subjects: maths,physics,chemistry, economics and english… and we get marks on a 100pt. scale… and our school does give a conversion into A’s and B’s</p>

<p>Admission Term: Fall 2010
Entering Status: Early Admission
Requested Enrollment Date: Jan 15, 2010
Current Application Status: Accepted
Program: BS in Computer Science
Campus of Study: Georgia Tech-Atlanta *
Field of Study: Computer Science</p>

<p>4.0 UW
2230 SAT 1</p>

<p>Attending? Hell YES</p>

<p>i definitely agree with you inpursuit… but my ECs were decent ive posted them in another thread and I think I wrote a good esssay… what really bothers me with waitlist is that they say you would be notified by like May15-June1 and I would have to take a decision by then already… so I’d have to put in a lot of money into some other college as enrollment fees only to reject it later if I do get accepted to Tech… its really one of my top choices</p>

<p>Admission Term: Fall 2010
Entering Status: Regular Freshman
Requested Enrollment Date: Jan 06, 2010
Current Application Status: Accepted
Program: BS in Computer Science
Campus of Study: Georgia Tech-Atlanta *
Field of Study: Computer Science</p>

<p>OOS. I really like GT and I’m glad I got in! Now I need a way to get some cash from them :(</p>

<p>Admission Term: Fall 2010
Entering Status: Regular Freshman
Requested Enrollment Date: Sep 03, 2009
Current Application Status: Wait List Offer
Program: BS in Aerospace Engineering
Campus of Study: Georgia Tech-Atlanta*
Field of Study: Aerospace Engineering</p>

<p>My stats. I wish I hadn’t have been so indecisive between AeroEng and Comp Sci when I was applying. Comp Sci is where I want to be, and I’ve gotten denied from the two other schools I wanted to take it at. Damn.</p>

<p>I think I got in. Did anyone else get the summer offer?
Admission Term: Fall 2010
Entering Status: Regular Freshman
Requested Enrollment Date: Sep 30, 2009
Current Application Status: Summer Offer
Program: BS in Civil Engineering
Campus of Study: Georgia Tech-Atlanta *
Field of Study: Civil Engineering</p>

<p>yeah, i would think that means you’re in</p>

<p>I think I’m seeing a correlation here. Many people who got waitlisted applied to the school of Engineering, while those who applied to other fields got accepted…</p>

<p>I’m thinking they may have overshot their quota of Engineering applicants on the Early Decision rounds, causing a low amount of spots to be open.</p>

<p>yeah especially in computer engineering I guess?</p>

<p>I’m thinking the entire school possibly. I’m thinking I should set up a waitlisted thread and see what comes up.</p>

<p>well as I said the only problem with waitlisted :frowning: you get to know your results by 1st June and most of the schools require you to register by May 1st :(</p>

<p>Same here. I’m thinking I’m going to call them up and try to have them change my intended area of study for the waitlist if at all possible.</p>

<p>Thanks for informing us of the back door for admission decisions at GT. We received rejections from MIT and CalTech earlier today, so it was great find out my son was accepted to the EE program at GT. He’s OOS, so it remains to be seen if we can afford for him to go, but certainly brightened his day.</p>


<p>SAT - 2100 M710, CR 700, WR 690
SAT II M 800 Chem 710
GPA 3.8 (Per GT scale)
HS - public, does not rankSchool does not rank
EC: Robotics, search and rescue and youth in government
Sports: None
Has spent the past 2 years in Washington State Dual enrollment program at a community college.</p>


<p>U of Washington - accepted
GT - accepted
MIT - rejected
CalTech - rejected
Harvey Mudd - waiting
Carnegie Mellon - waiting</p>

<p>Best of luck to everyone!</p>

<p>I’m feeling bad now but I still try to convince myself there’s hope lol</p>

<p>Same here. I’ve gotten denied everywhere except my safeties. :(</p>