Finding a roommate as a trasnfer student

So I recently found out I got into Binghamton University. It was actually my first choice but since looking more into Stony Brook, they offer a minor that I’m highly interested in but unfortantely, Binghamton does not offer it. I’m wondering if I should wait for my Stony Brook University admission’s decision before submitting my deposit for Binghamton. However, if i don’t get into Stony Brook, I’ll end up just going to Binghamton which isn’t bad because I really like their programs too!

So in the event that I do go to Binghamton, does anyone know if Binghamton has any portals where I could find a roommate. I know Binghamton do their roommate assignment randomly but I don’t want to be paired up with a random person. Especially, if we are polar opposites and are stuck with each other until we graduate. I know not every person is easy to room with but I’d feel more at ease talking to the person I’m going to room with instead of getting someone random.

I’m a transfer looking for any facebook sites, or portals, or anything where I could talk to people before orientation to find a roommate! Please let me know! Also, if you got chosen with a roommate that was at random, how did that work out for you?

I’m also a transfer student! I was thinking about starting a Facebook page for fall 2016 transfers!

A Facebook group is a good idea :slight_smile:

I’m a transfer too! I saw somebody made a group but there’s only like 3 people in it (including me). I’m worried aabout roommate assignments too

omg didn’t realize links didn’t work so https://www.facebook .com/groups/907578422692725/

I also got accepted as a transfer into the school of engineering and applied science. I don’t think there’s a Facebook page yet… I’ve searched with no result. It’ll be awesome to have one though!

any idea about graduate student?