Finding a roommate

<p>What's the best way to find a roommate for incoming freshmen? I've filled out the survey and posted on the facebook page but I just wanted to see what were some opinions on a good way to find or choose a roommate</p>

<p>Same here. Just finished my profile and everything.</p>

<p>Yup… Same.</p>

<p>hmmm what if i still don’t have a roommate now?
will the school randomly put me and another person together for a room?</p>

<p>Yeah, I think so.</p>

<p>My understanding is that, after you fill out the survey, UM will send you a list of potentially good matches. You can then ‘meet’ them via facebook, etc. and see if you want to match up. If, you don’t find a match via the computer-generated potential matches, THEN the school will randomly put you with another person.</p>

<p>I really don’t think it’s a problem if you don’t have a roommate yet at this point it time. It’s very early in the process. Folks are just now committing - and they haven’t even done the survey yet.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard back from UM yet with a list of potential matches?</p>

<p>All you have to do is go onto MyUM and onto the Admissions Checklist thing. Then on the first thing, click on “search for a roommate” (once you’ve filled out the survey, and then “search for a roommate” again and finally “search” and it should bring up a list! </p>

<p>Then you can view their info and contact them via email/facebook if you want.</p>

<p>I already got a list. Ironically a high school friend came in 5th with a compatibility rating of 89% haha.</p>

<p>I actually found a roommate! She was one of my roommate matches on myum, she “favorited” me and found me on facebook and we started talking that way. She seems really cool! Can’t wait for the U :]</p>

<p>Instead of making another thread I’ll just ask my question here since it’s relevant.</p>

<p>To the incoming freshman, on myUM, when I put in my roommate’s UM ID, it comes back with “UM ID xxxx is not valid. Please enter a valid UM ID.” This is happening when he puts in my ID too.</p>

<p>Am I putting in the wrong code? Where should I look apart from the profile page.</p>

<p>To nizzBR</p>

<p>You both need to put your Cane ID (your UM ID , not the “roommate search ID”)
See if that works</p>

<p>Got it! Thanks a lot!</p>