Finding a roommate?

What is the best way to go about finding a roommate? My son is really social and is very active athletically but not a partier at all. Any advice? Thanks!!

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Follow @vt_2023 on Instagram and join the facebook group for VT class of 2023. @hokieinCO is your son committed to VT?

@hunchojack yes, we went ahead and put down the deposit. Waiting to get the email from housing. I will have him look on Instagram. He was horrified that I wanted him to join Facebook :))

Once you put down deposit - did you sign up for pid login etc. if so then wait a few days and you will be able to login housing site (no email). For roommate finding they asks lot of questions as to your likes / dislikes.

@cb1 yes, we did sign up for the PID login, etc. Thanks for the info - it’s good to hear from a parent who’s been been through it because it’s not super user friendly. Glad to hear they ask a lot about likes and dislikes. Univ. of Colorado and Colorado State both do that so I assumed VT did too but wasn’t sure. The Facebook and Instagram pages for Class of 2023 is large majority girls - to be expected - so not a lot of guys to choose from!

I am anxious to figure out this process as well.

I’m a new parent - I just did it quickly when my son was accepted. It took about 2 working days befor I didn’t get error trying to login the housing portal. Then once I was younwme through all the housing questions and picked meal plan.

Note on meal plan. They are all actually the same it’s just how much you want to preload (be careful as any remaining after spring will be forfeited). I did the mega (2nd level) so he wouldn’t worry first semester with budgeting food - but knowing he normally doesn’t eat a lot will probably need to drop to the lowest in spring and use up remaining dollars from the first plan.

Can somebody direct me to where my son can find his University ID to sign the housing contract?

@sportingclaymom when you sign into the guest portal, and then onto the page where it showed that they were accepted - to the right is a shaded box for financial aid. Click the link for View Financial Aid Award Information. Then in the top left corner is your student’s name with their ID number below.

I had Trouble with that too. I found the student number under hokiespa profile.

@cbl1 Thank you!

actually its when login hokiespa go to hokieplus tab at top…manage accounts…my profile …. id at bottom starts with 90…

When can we choose housing rooms or preferences? I already finished the process but did not allow me to choose the room.

@janaseena You will receive a notification from VT once the room selection portal opens up. I can’t remember exactly when that was last year, but I believe it was in the May timeframe. Your “window” for room selection is based on when you completed your housing contract. In order of preference it usually has gone like this:

ED LLC Members
LLC Members
Everyone else based on when your contract was completed

Point of clarification… if an LLC doesn’t take up an entire residence hall, it’s assumed ED accepted students would have first priority, but the floors designated for the LLC would not show as available when they do room/hall selection.