Finding housing at a late date?!

<p>How difficult is it to find housing at a later date - like over the summer? Is it impossible to get into the dorms? My son is planning on attending a Service Academy, and would report the end of June. We're trying to come up with a backup plan, just in case that doesn't work - if he decides he doesn't like it (he better not!), or, God forbid, he ends up getting injured at some point during the summer. Obviously he wouldn't know this by the May 1st housing deadline.</p>

<p>He does plan to accept Madison so that he has at least one backup plan, but I really hate to pay the housing deposit for housing that we hopefully will not have to use. If something happened in July or August, and he did end up needing housing, would there be any chance if getting anything then? Or do we need to suck it up and pay the housing costs as well? Just a deposit, or will more be due by then? How much are we talking? </p>

<p>Yes, I know I have to read all the fine print that came with the acceptance and the many things we've been sent in the meantime, but I thought people who've been there might have a feel for what would be possible. Thanks for any help you can give!</p>

<p>A brief check of the UW Res Halls contract info on the UW housing website states you can get your deposit back if you notify them (Res Halls specifically, in writing) that you are not attending UW- deadline for next spring is listed as May 3rd. After that you would forfeit your deposit. You can always make a phone call during business hours and they should be happy to explain things/answer your questions. The first of 4 quarterly payments would be due sometime in August. Again, call Res Halls for official info.</p>

<p>Any contract you sign with some other, ie private, housing place- dorm or apt - would be binding even if you don’t attend UW, unless you find out otherwise in fine print. There are always some places available close to campus but living in the dorms would be much better than a last minute apt hunt and life as a new freshman alone in an apt with all of its cleaning et al. Given that the Service Academies offer free tuition, room, board, etc the cost of a housing deposit “insurance policy” is miniscule if he doesn’t need the backup plan. No chance of getting into the dorms- Res Halls- with a summer application- there’s usually a waiting list and some late spring applicants can’t even get on it.</p>

<p>PM me next summer for apt ideas if it comes to that as I know areas upperclassmen and we parents found okay if it comes to that. I hope he doesn’t need this option…</p>

<p>Thanks for the help. I’ll try to look for the housing website - haven’t found that yet, only the packets of info we were mailed. I just thought in glancing it over that the deposit was something like $800 or so, which wasn’t completely miniscule! Thanks again and I’ll PM you if we get desperate next summer!</p>

<p>The dorms would not be a good backup plan in that scenario as you will be on the hook for substantial $$$$. There are private dorms near UW that have openings all the time and you could just move-in without an advance contract. I heard they were only about half full last year so they would welcome your kid. They do cost more than the UW dorms, but are just off the campus near everything…</p>

<p>The total deposit is $300- $50 when you sign plus the rest later. Investigate both Res Halls and the private dorms now to see which you would choose if it came to that. It could be that the overall cost difference between public and private is more than the deposit, and the $300 may not matter if he gets a free ride elsewhere.</p>

<p>I read all the contract information carefully for the dorms, and the way I read it is that if he were to cancel between July 1 and Aug 27 (which is when it would most likely be), then we would pay a $250 penalty/deposit forfeiture…IF…we were released from the contract. It doesn’t sound like that’s a given - instead, it says you may have to pay a 80 percent buyout, approximately $5400 dollars. Think this is what I saw in the past. $250 - no big deal, but over $5K definitely is. I guess I’ll contact housing directly at some point and see what the likelihood of being released from the contract is, but it sounds like a huge risk to take. Think it might be easier, just in case, to wait and if necessary, just scrounge around and see what was available if it comes down to that. Although I suppose we could pay the $50 deposit now, and cancel May 1st, thereby giving ourselves some security for the next 5 months. But after that it just seems to risky. Thanks everyone!</p>

<p>I think you have it right. There is no guarantee once the contract goes “hard” that they will let you off with just the deposit. They could hold you to the entire contract amount.</p>

<p>Email just received from UW Parents site- there is a Dec 7th CST live chat 6-7 pm- see site for details.</p>

<p>There tends to be a waitlist of kids wanting to get out of their dorm contract. However, you may not be able to get the dorm you want.</p>

<p>Note: Enrolling (accepting) UW Madison AND a Service Academy may be considered an ethics violation - can’t be enrolled in more than one college as of May 1 (normal exception for waitlist, etc.) and the Service Academies are considered a college.</p>