Finding Off campus housing. Need advice

<p>Hi there. I'm transferring to tech this upcoming fall. I received an e-mail today that transfers will be not be receiving on campus housing this year. It wasn't surprising but it did make me a bit upset and worried at the thought of finding a place to live, commuting, and all that jazz. </p>

<p>I was looking for some advice on how to go about doing this. Pretty much the whole process. I have 1-2 friends who are also transferring that I will room with but that's basically all the information that I have.</p>

<p>Some questions that came to mind are:</p>

<p>-Which places do you recommend? Obviously it would be nice it were as cheap as possible while not being a complete ****hole. </p>

<p>-Would cars be required to get to campus? What's the transportation system like?</p>

<p>-I'm looking through the Student Centers And Activities Website that was included in the e-mail but am not finding much useful information. What would be the best way to start the search and how to go about it? Just go around and visit some neighborhoods?</p>

<p>-Obviously it should be done as soon as possible but is there a certain timeframe one should go about finding an apartment?</p>

<p>So yeah. Any guidance or help is appreciated. Links/personal experience/anything you know. Thank you in advance.</p>

<p>Craigslist is actually a great place for this. Get the address and plug it into google maps to see how close to campus the place is. If you’re near campus you’re going to be in a decent neighborhood so I wouldn’t worry too much on that front.</p>

<p>The big apartment complexes are ok but you’ll probably get a better deal renting a house/apartment that isn’t in a complex. You’ll have to hunt around a bit more and I strongly recommend taking a day to visit a few once you have a list of them, but that’s how you find the best cost/ benefit place.</p>

<p>Now is actually just about the right time to start looking. Over the next month or so a lot of places will be getting posted as the students decide to move out. It’s a little more stressful to wait this late but in the end you’ll likely be better off.</p>

<p>Transportation depends on where you are, but most places in bburg will have access to the BT, which will get you to and from campus well enough. They also go to the grocery stores although you may have to switch busses depending on which line you’re on. The BT is free with your student ID.</p>

<p>Hey thanks chuy, real glad to see you posting. I’ll definitely check craiglist. But do you know of any good places by name? Particularly ones that aren’t in a complex?</p>

<p>Well, the places not in complexes won’t have names. Most Craigslist ads have pictures. The biggest things will be the kitchen (ask for pictures of appliances) and location (check google maps.)</p>

<p>To help you out here is a little map I whipped up. Circled in Red is campus (roughly), in Green is what I would consider to be primo location, and in yellow is pretty ok location. Green is easily walkable (the South Main street part really isn’t but it’s a fun place to live), yellow is easily bikable (depending on route I guess) and walkable if you feel like leaving a little early. If you look up a place on google maps the easiest thing to use to figure out where it is in the picture is to find it relative to the drillfield. If it isn’t circled that doesn’t necessary mean it’s bad, it just means transportation will probably be inconvenient if you don’t have a car. Also this is just my opinion.</p>


<a href=“[/IMG]”>

Here are a couple examples that might help you out, and also to illustrate my point that the apartment complexes kind of blow.</p>

<p>[3</a> Bed, 1.5 Bath Duplex unit on Huckleberry Trail](<a href=“]3”> </p>

<p>This place is in a decent location (on the opposite side of campus from classes but very easily bikeable and I think on a bus route.) They prefer non-undergrads but if you don’t come across as an Old School wannabe you could probably get the place. It works out to $433 a person which includes water/sewer/trash and them cutting your lawn. Also, you’ll have a lawn.</p>

<p>Compared to this: [The</a> Village At Blacksburg](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>This is The Village at Blacksburg, one of the larger complexes. I lived there two years because I was too lazy to look for somewhere better. It works out to 435/person but that doesn’t include water or anything. Their “professional on-site staff” are the definition of indifferent incompetence. The location is decent (walking downtown is kind of a pain but it’s on a good bus route and it’s only a 15 minute walk to campus.) There is no lawn and you’ll have an upstairs and/or downstairs neighbor who you will have to listen to every time they have sex. And you’ll be able to hear very well. Also some major component of your apartment will likely be broken. But hey, a pool that’s open mostly when you probably won’t be in town! The actual advantage here is that these places are furnished, so if you can stomach what probably happened on those beds and couches before you got to them you don’t have to worry about buying furniture.</p>

<p>Remember when I said location is everything? [4BR</a> apts and individual rooms available at Whipple Drive Apts](<a href=“]4BR”></p>

<p>This place is only $395/person (for 4 people) with two baths and that includes everything. Internet, water, cable, everything. Only problem? You’ll be in the middle of nowhere. I don’t even know if buses run out there regularly. </p>

<p>Now, if I were moving back to Blacksburg, I’d be looking at a place like this: [Large</a> Downtown House](<a href=“]Large”></p>

<p>It’s only 475/month (4 people) and you’ll have an extra bedroom for whatever. Location is right next to downtown. I’m not saying to get this place, but that’s the mid-low end of the price range you’d be looking at for a nice place near campus.</p>

<p>Also you’re going to be stuck with a 12 month lease wherever you go and you probably won’t be able to sub-let over the summer, so hope you plan on sticking around Blacksburg for the summer.</p>

<p>No on campus housing for us transfers, oh well. Guess it’s time to start checking CL. Subscribed to this thread in case anyone else stumbles upon anything.</p>

<p>If you are still looking for Off Campus housing, please contact me at spencer.ashley.j@**********. I have a 3br townhouse available for Fall 2012-2013 that should meet your criteria. [3br</a> Townhouse (duplex) for Rent by Owner](<a href=“]3br”></p>

<p>Still looking…</p>