Finding out the day that you took an AP test?

<p>I need to do this for the Cornell supplement. Does anyone have a link that shows the exact dates for the past few years?</p>

<p>what ap tests did you take?</p>

<p>Bio in 2006 and US History in 2007</p>

<p>bump ..............</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> - APUSH was on 5/11/07</p>

<p>according to Indian</a> Springs School - EVENTS CALENDAR: May 2006, AP Bio was on 5/8/06</p>

<p>Thanks a bunch</p>

<p>I've never understood why they asked the exact date. Shouldn't the year be enough (it's not as if taking the second/late testing date really matters towards how you did. A school's not going to give you credit because of something like that.)</p>