Finding places to study?

<p>Around my campus we have a lot of obvious study spots; the libraries, dorms, lounges (which SUCK for studying, by the way) but I need to find a few more good ones. It seems that every spot I find is either way too loud or has a bunch of kids obnoxiously 'working' and it's distracting. Any suggestions or is there any place you like to study? Any suggestion except for 'dorm' or 'lounge' is appreciated :)</p>

<p>I think it really depends on the school campus…I can NEVER study in the lounge or my dorm room. They are WAY too distracting. I agree that sometimes library isn’t the best place to study especially when it’s overly crowded during the exam period. I usually study in the library or in the academic building classroom. It can be a little scary when the academic building is empty at night, but I love the desk and the tranquility. I also like to do light readings outside when the weather allows me to. Study heaven!</p>

<p>I like to study in empty classrooms or in quiet corners in the hallways of academic buildings.</p>