Finding proctor for online course?

I’m trying to take an online course (not an online degree, just the one course) that requires a proctor. The university offering the course lists a few different people who could qualify as proctors, and says you have to get them to sign a form and get approved. Well, there’s a local university in my town that provides proctoring services, where you can go and take an exam in a pre-set-up-space. I don’t know who would necessarily be the proctor, though–I imagine it’s a bunch of various people who would supervise.

My question is, do you think that would work as a proctor? It seems like the school offering the online course wants you to pick a specific person, but I’m wondering if just going to a designated proctoring location would work. I’d be more comfortable in a setting like that, taking an exam at the same time as a few other people, than having to find someone who would meet with me one-on-one. Or are they really gonna make me find a specific person? :confused: (I’m planning on asking the actual university this, but just, they’re not open until Monday, and I’m curious now, haha)