Fine Arts Elective?

<p>Any information on Music 121 Honors with Zaheri? There are no ratings for that teacher. Or Art History? D is trying to find a Fine Arts but does not want to do Arts in Tuscaloosa! any suggestions?</p>

<p>Art History 252 and 253 are not difficult classes. I believe our NJ friend recommended them for the FA requirement. My D has taken them (and many more) since she is an Art major. If you have specific questions about the work load let me know and I can ask her.</p>

<p>My D is currently taking MUS 121 with Woosley. She seems to like the class. There’s a significant on-line component as well as a requirement to attend a couple concerts on campus (chosen from a wide variety of events over the course of the semester).</p>

<p>Please ask your D what would be an interesting not hard elective for a boy. He is in music 121 but at 8 am. I talked to someone that took it And she said it was hard.</p>

<p>My kids liked Honors Fine Arts and Parody, but I don’t know if it’s still offered.</p>