Fine arts requirement

<p>Hi! Ive been looking at schools and univ of south Carolina looks like a great option for business. However do any of you know if theres any way to get exempt from the fine arts requirement? Theres no way I can work another class into my schedule, but I dont want not taking a fine arts class to hold me back! if not I may be able to take a night class at the community college but that would be very complicated! Thanks!!</p>

<p>Also, from out of state (Illinois) if that matters!</p>

<p>Bump please anyone!?</p>

<p>Please please please! Guys im freakin out!</p>

<p>I’d contact admissions and ask. (I assume you’re talking about a High School Fine Arts requirement?)</p>

<p>If you’re talking about the Fine Arts requirement in the Business School itself, you’ll have time to complete that requirement within your four years. College curricula are set up so that students can graduate in four years if they take at least 15 hours a semester. (There are exceptions, of course, but business generally isn’t one of them.)</p>

<p>If it’s the high school requirement, see if you can set up an independent study with one of your teachers at your school. I did that with Music History my senior year due to complications with my graduation requirements. (My high school requires you take at least five courses a year and all courses are year-round. Seniors must also pass every course they take. I was taking five, but one ended up only being a semester long, so my school made me pick up another ‘class’ in order to meet graduation requirements.)</p>