<p>Hi guys-
Have sent out emails but gotten no response from UA, also spoke directly during University Days but not a lot of info so though we’d try it here. What is the reputation of the Arts programs at UA, particularly Digital Media and Music (percussion). Not having any luck finding links to student work nor contact with professors. Anyone have any input, know a student, anything like that? Thanks-</p>
<p>Have you called the offices of the department heads? </p>
<p>BTW… the website looks nice…I’ve never visited it before. :)</p>
<p>I have no info about music other than knowing some kids who are majoring or double majoring in various performance instruments. </p>
<p>[University</a> of Alabama School of Music](<a href=“http://music.ua.edu/]University”>http://music.ua.edu/)</p>
<p>[University</a> of Alabama School of Music Undergraduate Studies](<a href=“http://music.ua.edu/undergraduates/]University”>http://music.ua.edu/undergraduates/)</p>
<p>[University</a> of Alabama School of Music Departments](<a href=“http://music.ua.edu/departments/]University”>http://music.ua.edu/departments/)</p>
<p>The UA School of Music is Alabama’s comprehensive music school in its Capstone institution of higher education. The University campus is located in Tuscaloosa, in the west-central region of Alabama. Tuscaloosa is 50 miles from Birmingham, Alabama’s largest city, and 100 miles from Montgomery, the state capital. See Directions to find the campus.</p>
<p>The School of Music has more than 350 music majors and 35 full-time faculty members. The School offers graduate and undergraduate programs in</p>
jazz studies
and more. Follow the links at left for more information on graduate and undergraduate programs.</p>
<p>The School of Music occupies the splendid Frank Moody Music Building. Since it opened in 1987, the Moody Music Building has become one of our state’s most important cultural facilities.</p>
<p>Our School of Music is more than a collection of curricular and facilities; it is a community with a unique culture that has evolved over the past century.</p>
<p>For an undergraduate audition application or information on admissions contact:</p>
<p>Ms. Tonia Hicks, Undergraduate Music Assistant
School of Music
Box 870366
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0366
(205) 348-7110
<a href=“mailto:thicks@music.ua.edu”>thicks@music.ua.edu</a></p>
<p>Percussion [University</a> of Alabama School of Music Percussion](<a href=“http://music.ua.edu/departments/percussion/]University”>http://music.ua.edu/departments/percussion/)</p>
<p>The University of Alabama Percussion studio prepares students through a diverse curriculum for the professional world as a working musician. The studio includes performance opportunities in the University of Alabama Percussion Ensemble, the University of Alabama Wind Ensemble, The Huxford Orchestra, The University of Alabama Jazz Ensemble as well as various other Chamber Ensembles.</p>
<p>Degrees offered:</p>
<p>BM Percussion Performance</p>
<p>BM Jazz Studies Performance</p>
<p>MM Percussion Performance</p>
<p>Students majoring in performance present solo recitals as part of the requirements for their degrees. Undergraduate performance majors must also appear on student convocations presented weekly in the Concert Hall. Performance majors participate in music ensembles, both large and small. Ensembles present concerts at regular intervals.</p>
<p>Performance majors enroll in pedagogy and literature classes appropriate to their area of specialization. Undergraduate performance majors enroll for study in a secondary instrument, usually piano, as well. Students enrolled in other degree programs in the School of Music may also enroll for private performance study with the faculty. </p>
<p>Percussion Faculty:</p>
<p>Larry Mathis, Director of Percussion Ensemble; Professor of Percussion <a href=“http://web.as.ua.edu/music/wp-admin/larry-mathis[/url]”>http://web.as.ua.edu/music/wp-admin/larry-mathis</a>
Mark Lanter, Instructor of Drum Set and Jazz Studies <a href=“http://web.as.ua.edu/music/wp-admin/mark-lanter/[/url]”>http://web.as.ua.edu/music/wp-admin/mark-lanter/</a></p>
<p>School of Music Faculty and Staff…
[University</a> of Alabama School of Music Faculty & Staff](<a href=“http://music.ua.edu/faculty-staff/]University”>http://music.ua.edu/faculty-staff/)</p>
<p>Which person(s) did you contact? :)</p>
<p>^ both actually (well actually DS emailed them.) He’ll have to get on the phone with them in the next few weeks.</p>
<p>The school will be shut down soon for the holiday. I think there are office hours next week, but I don’t know if there will be office hours the full week.</p>
<p>When you say that he emailed them both, do you mean Mathis and Lanter? </p>
<p>Maybe he should also email or call Ms. Hicks (contact info above) or the Assistant Director for the School of Music – Shelly Meggison (205) 348-0619 <a href=“mailto:smeggison@music.ua.edu”>smeggison@music.ua.edu</a></p>
<p>or call the Main Office: (205) 348-7110</p>
<p>Bumping this, I appreciate the contact info from the website but we are STILL(!) looking to hear from anyone about the studio arts, their reputation etc. Have now asked Jami Gates for help.</p>
<p>Does anyone know any student out there who is participating in the Studio Arts programs? It’s amazing how little buzz there is other than the website, has us kind of concerned about the strength of the program. Doesn’t have to be the ultimate fine arts experience, that’s not why DS is considering UA, but we’d like to know there’s something thriving there.</p>
<p>Anyone?? :)</p>
<p>Have you tried directly calling? </p>
<p>Hopefully Jami could get you the info.</p>
<p>I only know 3 kids in performance (oboe, bassoon, French horn). They like it. They like Moody music building and all the practice rooms there. They all participate in orchestra/symphony performances But, since I’m not a performance person, I don’t know the right questions to ask them. </p>
<p>My “gut instinct” is that since Bama places such high importance on it’s Million Dollar Band, that it has invested well into its Music dept. But, that’s just a gut feel.</p>
<p>^ thank for the efforts mom2
got the music covered it’s the Studio Arts - Drawing, Digital Media - that he is concerned with. :)</p>
<p>Studio Arts… Does that come under Fine Arts?</p>
<p>^ yes, definitely. Fine Arts = Music and all Visual Arts (and Crafts)</p>
<p>Is no one answering the phone in the Fine Arts Dept? Or is it just a student that doesn’t know anything? (some students do their work/study jobs by answering telephones.)</p>
<p>[The</a> University of Alabama Department of Art and Art History](<a href=“http://art.ua.edu/site/]The”>http://art.ua.edu/site/)</p>
<p>Studio Art [Studio</a> Art at The University of Alabama Department of Art and Art History](<a href=“http://web.as.ua.edu/art/site/?page_id=89]Studio”>http://web.as.ua.edu/art/site/?page_id=89)</p>
<p>Have you tried calling any of these people?</p>
<p>Brian Evans - Phone: 1.205.348-1899
Associate Professor of Art, Graphic Design/Digital Media
D.M.A., University of Illinois (1988)
<a href=“mailto:brian.evans@ua.edu”>brian.evans@ua.edu</a>
[Brian</a> Evans (art and research)](<a href=“http://www.ghostartists.com/academic/index.htm]Brian”>http://www.ghostartists.com/academic/index.htm)</p>
<p>Prior to his appointment in 2002 to the department, Dr. Evans taught in The Blair School of Music at Vanderbilt University and at The University of Illinois. He is Director of Digital Media and Director of the computer lab. Evans has a background in electronic music and received his M.F.A. in Music Composition from the California Institute of the Arts. His digitally generated visual art, both time-based and static, has been widely exhibited and included in numerous professional journals. He has published articles in LEONARDO and The Futurist.</p>
<p>Christopher Jordan
Assistant Professor of Art, Photography and Digital Media
MFA, Rochester Institute of Technology (2004)
<a href=“mailto:cjordan@as.ua.edu”>cjordan@as.ua.edu</a></p>
<p>Uta-Maria Krapf
Professor of Art, Studio Foundations
M.F.A., University of Iowa (1987)
<a href="mailto:umkgeo@bellsouth.net">umkgeo@bellsouth.net</a></p>
<p>Professor Krapf has been on the faculty of the department since 1988. Her work has been included in over 90 national and international exhibitions including Berry College, Mount Berry, GA; Texas Artists Museum in Port Arthur, TX; and Cedar Key Arts Center in Cedar Keys, FL, and can be found in numerous public collections including the American Council on Education in Washington, D.C. Krapf has been recognized in the field of graphic design for her work on several catalogs to accompany exhibitions in the Sarah Moody Gallery of Art. Her design work has also been featured in Print Magazine’s Design Annual</p>
<p>**More phone numbers can be found here… ** <a href=“http://web.as.ua.edu/art/site/?page_id=12[/url]”>http://web.as.ua.edu/art/site/?page_id=12</a></p>
<p>update :)</p>
<p>I spoke with Dr. Catherine Pagani - Dept. Chair of Studio Arts, and could not be more excited. I tell you, every time one of us speaks to anyone at UA we remember why we both fell in love with this place!</p>
<p>Looks like there is a strong program in place with more than enough to keep DSs visual arts thriving. :)</p>
<p>Glad to hear that you called and got a person to talk to.</p>
<p>And glad to learn that Visual Arts is strong, too. I don’t know anyone in it, so it’s good to know! :)</p>