<p>Hello! So I have an question about when IGETC has to be completed by. I was reading a pamphlet from berkeley that stated IGETC must be done by the end of the spring semester before a student applies. Right now I am about to begin that spring semester, and I will have all my IGETC done with the exception of one English class (I'm behind w/ English thanks to crappy counselor advice >:( ). </p>
<p>If I take this English course over the summer, will everything be ok?</p>
<p>Maybe others here know more about this, but from what I remember it is as stated…you must have IGETC done the spring prior to transfer, which as you said is this spring for you. </p>
<p>They do allow you to use summer to finish up major pre-reqs and just units in general (you can enter UC with 70 transferable units from CC, meaning you need to complete 50 at UC for your degree). But you can’t use summer to finish IGETC. </p>
<p>So it looks like you’ll be applying as someone who isn’t IGETC certified which doesn’t bode well for you. Instead of blaming a counselor, why don’t you go back to them and explain the situation you are in and ask if you can double up on the English classes? Have them review your transcript which will hopefully demonstrate that you are a very capable student ready to handle and excel in both English classes this spring.</p>
<p>The problem with getting IGETC done over the summer is you may not have your certification done by the time you need to send transcripts. Hence, the spring “requirement”. But it’s not really a requirement per-say. You need to have IGETC, or the L&S requirement, done before you transfer or they won’t accept you. However, you can finish either of these over the summer so long as you get accepted. </p>
<p>The problem is, they won’t give you the “boost” you get for having IGETC done by spring. In other words, they consider applicants who have IGETC done by spring more favorably. I would say people who have to finish IGETC over the summer fall somewhere in between those who have it done by spring and those who will only have the L&S. I’ve actually heard CAL gives a lot of conditional acceptances (on the condition that IGETC be completed before transfer). </p>
<p>The rest of the UC’s are good-to-go though.</p>
<p>I thought (it was my understanding) that you needn’t have IGETC done to transfer…heck you don’t even need to do IGETC if you don’t want to.</p>
<p>“You must satisfy GE/Breadth with either IGETC or the College of Letters and Science requirements (Reading and Composition, Quantitative Reasoning, and Foreign Language) by the end of the spring term prior to transfer.”</p>
<p>“1. Complete 60 semester (90 quarter) units of UC-transferable coursework with a GPA of at least 2.4. No more than 14 semester (21 quarter) units may be taken Pass/No Pass; and
2. Complete the following UC-transferable college courses:
Two courses in English composition;
One course in mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning;
Four courses from at least two of the following subject areas:
Arts and humanities
Social and behavioral sciences
Physical and biological sciences”</p>
<p>Where am I misinformed??? I’m not going to have physical science done with a lab, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to transfer given the information above.</p>
<p>I have a question - I’m qualified for Eng1C through my EngAP test. Does that mean I still need to take Eng1A in addition to Eng1C to fulfill IGETC by the end of Spring for UCLA?</p>
<p>As long as you listed the course as planned on summer, and give a brief explanation in the comments section, I’m sure it’ll fly. Especially if you have good grades.</p>
<p>Now I am terrified!
The reason why I didn’t take English class #1 the past semester was b/c my counselor said I didn’t have to b/c I got a 3 on the AP test, and therefore would get credits.
Then, a rep from Berkeley visited, and when I talked to him, he said that a 3 wouldn’t fly b/c I was a history major. He did say, however, that the 3 would be IGETC approved, but it wouldnt satisfy major requirments blah blah blah. He said I should take it at cc, so that’s what I planned to do.
Now, here are my options:
-Try to take 2 English classes at once (is this even legal?)
-Drop English class #1, use AP cred for IGETC and try to find an English #2 class that is open.
-Stay at community college forever.</p>
<p>b/c english 100 is a prereq for english 110…but I have ap cred so it should be ok.
I’m thinking that I’ll just take english 110…I’ll just have to take English 100 if/when I transfer to berkeley</p>
<p>if you got credit for english 100 with the AP exam and then you took english 110 then you would have igetc done by spring.</p>
<p>edit: i just noticed something. Don’t you have to take two transferable english courses to be UC eligible? I don’t think the AP exam works for UC eligibility.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure AP exams count for UC eligibility as long as you passed the test.
If not, everything I have ever been told about transferring is a lie!</p>
<p>UCB won’t accept you without IGETC done by spring.
on the off chance that you’re an especially competitive applicant, you could possibly be granted a conditional acceptance.</p>
<p>fouxdufafa- DO NOT LISTEN to people like medusa who say “everything will [be fine if you explain” or “its okay you can take it over summer”. </p>
<p>as it stands, if you don’t have that 2nd English course done by spring, you won’t be accepted to ANY UC. period. its a minimum eligibility requirement and has to be done before summer.</p>
<p>now there are a couple possible ways you can do this, one is the first scenario being discussed at the moment: you get your AP score to waive the first english course, than take your 2nd during spring (and if you really have to take english101 at berkeley to satisfy some bs requirement because they dont accept 3’s).</p>
<p>Now i’m not sure about your CC, but my CC offers TWO other possible scenarios that can allow a person in your situation to take both of their english courses in 1 semester.</p>
<p>Scenario1: at my community college, Philosophy 100- Logic and Critical Thinking has no english 101 pre-requisite, and satisfies the 2nd English class requirement. If this is the same at your CC, you can take english 101 and Philiosophy concurrently to finish up both english courses in 1 semester, although the Philosophy course at your CC may enforce an english 101 pre-req. better check.</p>
<p>Scenario2(and possibly the most likely and foolproof): see if your CC offers an 8week english101 course over the first half of the semester, and an 8week english200 course immediately preceeding it and you can fire out both of those classes in one semester.</p>
<p>unfortunately, my cc does not offer english short courses or a philosophy class that would count as english 110. </p>
<p>so heres what I think I’m gonna do:
-take english 110 this semester (i’ve emailed the prof and she says theres room for me in the class)
-then, take english 100 over the summer</p>
<p>this way I’m done w/ IGETC by spring (using ap cred for english 100), but then can get english 100 out of the way during the summer so I don’t have to take it again at cal. </p>
<p>now, do you think the UC’s will find it bizarre that I took 100 during the summer after 110?</p>
<p>ok wait…so I was just talking to my friend, and she said that IGETC doesn’t have to be finished until the spring semester before ENROLLING at cal, not the spring semester before APPLYING to cal like I thought. </p>
<p>is she right? Have I totally reworked my schedule for nothing?</p>