Fire alarms ridgecrest south north

<p>DD claims she can’t hear them. Says her roommate has had to tell her when it’s sounding, and then when she concentrates on it, she can hear it. She has a moderate hearing loss, especially in the higher register, but she is far from deaf. I’m going to check with housing, but I’m wondering if anyone else has had this experience. DD is worried about getting fined for not leaving the building. I’m worried she won’t leave a burning building!</p>


<p>Definitely check with housing. There must be something for those with severe hearing loss, right? Some kind of flashing or whatever signal???</p>

<p>Was that during the night? Is she a heavy sleeper? </p>

<p>I have been in that building ( that tower) when the alarms have gone off. At that time the alarms were very loud but that was four years ago. I remember that I was in my student’s third floor suite at the time and could clearly hear the alarms. Perhaps, there is a broken alarm speaker on her floor. That happened in another building that my student was in with the Tornado Alarm. You could still hear the other sirens on campus, just not as loudly.</p>

<p>Have them check the alarm speakers. </p>

<p>M2CK, I think that only the accessible rooms have visual alarms, I don’t remember seeing those in the other suites. Maybe they could install one in her suite? I wonder if that is possible?</p>

<p>Can someone confirm that there are actually smoke/fire alarms in the suites themselves - or are the alarms only out in the dorm hallways?</p>

<p>My S used to reside in Riverside, ground floor. The farthest room into my S’s suite (room “D”) had a blinding, blinking strobe light linked to the alarms. My S in room “C” slept through a couple of alarms and had to be awoken by his suite-mates. They were not in an accessible suite/room, so not sure if all of Riverside is this way, or what. I only heard about his sleeping through alarms quite recently - had I known about it at the time, I would have most def talked w/ Housing. My S is not particularly a heavy sleeper, and he is not at all hard of hearing. </p>

<p>All the suites have their own audible fire alarms which are connected to the building-wide system. Each bedroom and the common area, as per federally-mandated building regulations, has a smoke detector, albeit ones which are not connected to the building-wide system. Alarms and detectors are located every few feet in hallways, stairwells, and common areas and are connected to the building-wide system. </p>

<p>While a work order could be filed to accomplish the same result, one might also be able to call UA Environmental Health and Safety to request that alarms be checked and a visual alarm be installed. UA Environmental Health and Safety tests each alarm on a monthly basis and the contracted alarm company has a truck parked outside the Ridgecrest buildings every couple of weeks.</p>


<p>This is a 3 year old thread. Was there a new ?</p>

<p>Oh gosh, didn’t notice that…wonder what the outcome was? How did it get revised or bumped up??</p>