FIRE Program?

What is exactly is the FIRE program? I have been invited to it, does this mean I was not accepted into my primary school of interest?

It has nothing to do with your primary school of interest. It’s a great thing to be invited to join! Congratulations!

From the UMD Website, sounds like this program is open to anyone to apply, even if you were not invited to join as part of your admission letter:

How do I apply to be a part of FIRE in 2016-17?
We are not yet accepting applications for students who will begin at The University of Maryland in the fall of 2016. On March 1, 2016 we will provide a link to a short application that will allow admitted incoming first-year UMD students to express interest in the FIRE program. All applications will be reviewed by May 1, 2016 and final decisions will be communicated at that time.
I was invited to join FIRE with my UMD admissions letter.
Do I need to apply here, as well? The answer is: no - you do not. Please refer back to your admissions letter for details on how to accept your spot in the FIRE program for 2016-17.

It sounds like a prestigious program, and my daughter was admitted to in in her UMD admissions letter. I am a bit surprised, however, because when I looked at the website I saw many students in lab coats. My daughter has less than zero interest in science or scientific research. We have to do more investigating, but has anyone participated in FIRE and can provide more info??

I’d like to hear from someone who’s done it as well. I did a little bit of research, and it seems that it’s mostly science-based, but there are some other components. I applied to the business school, so it’s definitely not exclusively for students studying the sciences

Anyone have any insight into this program, particularly for non-science oriented students?

My daughter was a student mentor for FIRE last year. She said it’s a big time investment, about 10 hours per week. There are students of all majors involved.