First accepted and now wait listed

My daughter was accepted into a nursing program but we didn’t send the deposit in within 2 weeks and now she’s on the waiting list. It’s not a highly selective school but they only accept 60 students into the nursing program. Do you think she has a chance of getting in now?

Do they tell you how high up she is on the waiting list? Is the WL ranked & a # assigned to her? Students applied to a lot of programs so there is always a chance that someone will choose to attend another school
after they have looked at all their fin aid packages & space will open up. Good luck.

Wow, I can’t believe a school would do that - accept then put on the wait list 2 weeks later - that doesn’t even seem ethical, especially when decisions & FA packages are still coming in. That is a real pressuring move. But, the school is probably doing it to everyone being accepted there. Unless, it is the dream school, I’d wait for all your letters to come in so as to make a clear, well thought through decision which is the first major important life decision for most of these seniors.

@jane1960 sorry to hear that. Maybe you can post the name of the school, if comfortable, so future applicants that check this forum don’t get into the same situation. My dd considered PA and that is the only time I have seen that. Not with nursing.