first and last SAT ESSAY CHECK before APril test.

<p>i know i'm horrible at essay, but i would appreciate if you graded my essay so i know my predicted score on the real SAT.</p>

<p>Question (1) ,Should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we oursleves lack the courage to say so?</p>

<p>Courage is an aspect that differentiates the heroes to the ordinaries. When unjustified, unfair rules or actions are made in the world, people desire to fix them. But for fear of physical danger or social isolation, they fail to express their true feelings. However, heroes brave danger to defend a cause they believe in. Heroes aren't godly people, but people with a little more courage to fight for what they want.</p>

<p>Nelson Mandela had to give up most part of his life to achieve his goals. Previously, South Africans were oppressed by racial prejudice and segregation known as apartheid. They were the majority with no political rights. To amerliorate their lives, they needed a person to spark their feelings to action. Nelson, Mandela, unafraid of possible imprisonment or even death, spoke up courageously. He suffeered for his right ful actions. It would not be incorrect to say that he spent most of his life in jail. But because he wanted to change his community and chanced his life, he earned something that made his suffering worthwhile.</p>

<p>Another example of a courageous men who changed the world for the better is Gandhi. This Indian men, full of courage, earned respect from millions of people worldwide. While many Indians suppressed their desire to fight against the British, Gandhi was fearless. He started the Salt March, demanded India's freedom, and fasted for peace. Nothing could have had so much impact in the world. His courage enabled him to voice up to defend their freedom.</p>

<p>People demand for ammendment in our socieyt. But when ordinary peopole like Gandhi and Mandela appear with the courage to spark the hidden feelings in people, people start their actions at last.</p>

<p>Question (2): Do we need other people in order to understand ourselves?</p>

<p>The way we view ourselves are impacted by our biased feelings and desire to be perfect. Narrow mindedness and egotism will cripple our ability to see our true characters. However, because outsiders are freee from our influence on judging us, they will be able to see the true faces that we often fail to recognize. By interacting with each other and revealing our true selves, we discover who we truly are. After all we are social beings, we learn from the way others see us.</p>

<p>In the story that many have once hear, Tarzan is left in the forest to be grown up believing himself as an animal. When he encounters human beings, he is confused about his identity. For a while, he wanders aorund wihtout understanding himself. He has always been an animal on four legs. BUt the increasing interaction with the humans helped him to discover who he really was. For a long time, Tarzan had a narrow mind, mind of an animal, but when he was introduced to other's view of him as a savage, he learned to differentiate aspects of animals to those of humans in himself. </p>

<p>Even in my personal life, I'm influnece by my surroundings. Although I want to view myself as a perfect person, other's opinions that are outright and truthful destroy my ego. From this, I learned who I turly am. when i'm asked to describe myself, I fail to answer. But when I'm asked to describe how others view me, I am able to list numerous things I have heard. These "truthful" opinions of my character substantiated and substituted the way I am. I now view myself as what people often view me as.</p>

<p>In our society, everyone is interconnected with each other, thus they interract and reveal their characters. Because others judge us by their opinoins, we learn the views unaffected by our views. These help us to shape our characters, and importantly change our lives.</p>

<p>Is my essays long enough? what scores would you give them? does lack good vocabularies?.. thanks.</p>

<p>The first one is probably a 9. Lol. You used the magic word "ameliorate" didn't you?</p>

<p>For the second one, I would give maybe an 8 or so because the second paragraph needs to be more specific. Espeicially, when you are using your personal life as an example, you should have given like a scenario or something. Its too general. </p>

<p>Also, it helps to have three examples and longer essays generally get better scores. So I'd say elaborate a little more and add another body paragraph. Also, make sure your conclusion is strong because since they have only few minutes to check your essay, they'll look at intro and concl and a good thesis.</p>