<p>Do classes generally start on time?</p>
<p>Yes, and that's especially so if you're in a big lecture.</p>
<p>Yeah, and it's best to arrive a few minutes early if you care at all where you sit. </p>
<p>Ordinarily most professors don't mind people drifting in the first few minutes, especially the first day, but try to be on time.</p>
<p>Plus, if you have two back to back classes (i.e., one ends at 1:50 and another starts at 2:00) then make a note of how long it takes to get from one to the other. Sometimes professors tend to go "over" without realizing it (since there aren't any bells or anything like that) and it's better if you know when you have to leave...</p>
<p>I guess I'm still in the strict high school mentality, but I guess it's usually okay for you to leave/step outside of the room without asking for permission? This probably sounds like a really silly question, but my h.s. was extremely strict about this.</p>
<p>Yes, you can come and go as you please. In lecture classes, no one will notice. The professor may notice in smaller seminar classes, but you still don't need permission.</p>
<p>There are sometimes different rules for test and exam days, such as you must be on time to recieve a test and you cannot leave until the test is handed in.</p>
<p>Generally you can come and go as you want, as long as you're not being disruptive. It's best to try to handle things between classes.</p>
<p>During an exam, always ask the proctor for permission.</p>
<p>Most professors dont care if you show up late or leave early, as long as you arent disruptive. Some, however, are sticklers about that kind of thing. You can usually get a sense for this within the first few lectures.</p>
<p>Overall, you are in college now. For the most part, attendance is up to you.</p>
<p>You may want to figure out exactly what you are paying per instructional minute before you decide to blow off attending classes though. ;)</p>
such as you must be on time to recieve a test
well this isnt necessarily true for some classes because some classes change classrooms on final days. I was late for my final by like 10-15 minutes because I couldn't find the classroom (so yeah figure out where the testing is being held before you leave the room because I totally forgot about it) i was freakin out obviously hahaa. try not to make the mistake i made however bad bad</p>