First Day of School... How is Parking?

<p>So, I don't have class today so I'm wondering for anybody who has class today or friday how is parking? Was it full? Super crowded? I don't want to be surprised on Monday.</p>

<p>well im assuming you are talking about on campus parking, but in case you aren’t and are like me an off campus parker… well i got there at about 9:30ish today and i found 0 parking on gilman, regent, nobel, arriba, etc. so i took the advice of a fellow CCer who told me to park where Ralphs is and i did and i was saved day 1… im not going to make a huge habit out of this, but when i need to i will be parking in shopping centers.</p>

<p>Oh btw @all i saw a bunch of people parking where Chase and the banks are [right across from Ralph- is this a better spot?</p>

<p>Wow!!! Only one response, I know not everyone is living on campus. Come on people share some parking stories.</p>

<p>if worst comes to worst you can always park in the visitors parking :(</p>

<p>We’ll to answer my own question. There were plenty of parks, I had no problems.</p>