First Generation Question on CommonApp

Hi everyone!

I’m filling out the CommonApp family section, but I’m not sure how to phrase it correctly in terms of my parent’s education. My mom basically dropped out of a small cinema school in Buenos Aires that shut down 2 years ago, and my dad completed a 3-year degree also at a small cinema school in Buenos Aires. Neither of the schools show up in the college search. (Though, to be fair, not a single Argentinian university does)

For my mom, I put “Some trade school/community college” with no degree. However, for my dad I put “Completed trade school/community college” with a degree type of “Other” (since it’s neither an AA nor a BA). Would this make some schools classify me as not first-gen? Would this be inaccurate? Is it more reasonable to set it as an AA?


A quick google search turned up that the definition " a first-generation college student is a student whose parent(s) did not complete a four-year college or university degree ."

Given that neither of your parents completed a 4 year bachelor program you would be a first gen student.

Yes, but I can’t put a full explanation on CommonApp. Does a degree type of “Other” get the point across, even if the education level is set as “Completed trade school/community college”?

If he completed trade school/community college it still leaves you as a first gen student. Not sure why you would feel further explanation is necessary.

List it as you’re saying trade school/CC, Other.

I would answer the questions asked and it sounds like you did so.

I would not force an answer that isn’t true.

Each school evaluates first gen differently.

You could always write a brief description in the additional info if it makes you feel better describing what you stated above.

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