" First Marking Grade" on the status page

<p>Is it same as the transcript?</p>

<p>Well… kinda. When I asked our counselor about this, this is what she said. If you applied ED or EDII (doesn’t apply to Amherst), then they sent the grades as they came in. So collages would have gotten your 1st quarter grades. If you were RD, they sent midterm reports which are essentially semester updates. Since our transcripts only show year end grades, it wouldn’t have semester grades (unless it was only a semester length course). So, if your status has midterm report than the school does have all the grades you have earned thus far. However, you might want to just poke your head into your college counseling office tomorrow just to see what they send and when.</p>

<p>I sent the sealed transcript in myself. On the status page it shows both Mid-Year grade and “first marking grade,” so I guess that’s the transcript I sent in.</p>