Hi - I am planning my first semester class schedule (Electrical Engineering) so I have some options when I go to Bama bound (July). I am leaninf towards taking Math 227 - Calc 3 (and use my AP credits for Math 125 and 126). I got 5 on AP Calc AB and waiting for score on Calc BC - but think I did well (got A in the class) and also scored 35 on ACT math. Also, should I use my AP credits to skip Chem 101(got a 5 on Chemistry AP) and skip Physics 106 (hoping for a 5 on AP Physics C&E)? But I would take Physics 105 as my only AP Physics was C&E which equates to Physics 106.
I have heard conflicting stories if I should retake some classes and pad my GPA or just move on. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.
And now you’re going to get conflicting advice . . . 
My advice is to take the AP credit and move on - there’s absolutely no reason to retake classes you already have credit for. That having been said, you also need to be cautious not to overdo things your first semester. Take a couple of required courses from your EE flowchart, but take some electives, as well - humanities or social studies classes that you think you can do well in, or, if you’re in the honors college, an honors college seminar. (Check out the offerings for UH 120, UH 155, and UH 300.)
^ Agree whole-heartedly w/ Post #1. Move on w/ AP Credit. Did your high school not offer AP Physics B? I would ask Dept Chair/Prof about the Physics sequence, in order to get the best advice there, but Maths and Chem, definitely move on.
I would use all the AP credit. Yeah, it’s nice to have an easy class. But it’s even nicer to have 3-4 fewer credit hours to deal with or space to take an elective you’re interested in. You’ll have no shortage of coursework as an EE. I would sign up for PH 105 in the fall since you need to take that anyway and it’s the standard time. Based on how you do, talk with the professor about whether you should use the PH 106 credit. You will end up taking another physics class, PH 253 - Modern Physics anyway.
(I’m a math/physics major and I used my credit for PH 105 and MATH 125).
@springy179 how tough is taking physics 253/255 if one places out of 105/106?
@Nerdyparent I actually don’t know yet, I’m taking it next semester! (I’m adding on the biophysics major after getting really involved in physics research.) However, from what I’ve heard the difficulty of the class depends a lot on the professor. Some of my friends struggled last semester with Busenitz, but I’ve heard LeClair is much better at teaching the material. In general, I think physics is something where if you understand the thought process, the difficulty is in the math rather than the topic. I don’t think using AP credit would be a hinderance if you’re someone who tends to “get” physics.
I would take the credits and move on.
Both of my kids used all their AP credits.
I disagree with the statement that suggests that if you retake the class it will be an easy class. I’ve heard too many horror stories from people who’ve retaken classes that they had AP credits and ended up with lower grades…and not due to knowledge issues.
These classes are weeder classes, and sometimes you can lose points over little things or things out of your control…like being very sick on a test date and the prof won’t budge.
At Bama Bound, the advisors PUSH for kids to retake classes…but they can’t force you to…so don’t retake.
^ Further to @mom2collegekids point: if you don’t know already, many college STEM classes have 2 or 3 tests only, and your grade is almost entirely dependent on those tests. There isn’t extra credit or participation points in these classes at college. Sometimes a prof/class will drop (i.e., not count) your lowest test grade, and your final grade is dependent on the final (worth 30-40% of your total grade, gulp) and then the remaining 1 or 2 major tests throughout the term. This alone can be a huge adjustment for those kids who got As because of all the ‘extra’ they did (like showing up for class and turning things in on time). The students who struggle the most with the transition from HS to college are probably those who have the attitude that ‘well, it’s not for points, so I don’t have to do it’ and/or those who don’t show up for class because roll isn’t taken.
Thanks everyone for all this great feedback! I will use those AP credits and move on. Very much appreciated - CC is a great resource thanks to all of you.