First Semester Difficulty?

<p>Can a past freshman let me know how difficult my first semester schedule is? Thanks</p>

<p>ENGL 1204H Honors Freshman English 3 Cr.
HIST 1026 Intro European Civ. 3 Cr.
IS 2054 Intro to World Politics 3 Cr.
MATH 1114 Elementary Linear Algebra 2 Cr.
MATH 1205 Calculus 3 Cr.
UNIV 2984 Hokie Horizons 3 Cr.</p>

<p>17 Credits Total</p>

<p>Have you taken Vector Geometry yet? I personally wouldn’t advise taking Calc 3 without it. </p>

<p>There are lots of problems where you must first graph a 3-dimensional function then integrate it. Vector functions, polar-coordinates, etc. are used extensively along with other concepts learned in Vector Geometry. I wouldn’t recommend skipping it. </p>

<p>You could, however, take Differential Equations instead. Yes, Linear Algebra is a prerequisite; but Linear Algebra isn’t used until later on in the semester and its very basic. You’ll of covered the material required by the time you need to use it. </p>

<p>Other than that your schedule looks a little heavier than what people would normally recommend but it doesn’t look awful. Stay on top of your studies and you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>It is not Calculus 3, its standard calculus and it is worth 3 credits</p>

<p>Bwahaha. Wow. I feel dumb. I should of looked at your course number. </p>

<p>If that’s the case then your semester workload isn’t as tough as I thought it would be. You’re fine.</p>

<p>What is Hokie Horizons?</p>

<p>Hokie Horizons is a course for University Studies majors that introduces students to different major possibilities, group work activities, etc. </p>

<p>Are you taking Linear Algebra to maintain the possibility of transferring to the COE eventually? For an engineering student your course load would probably be considered light. But, it’s probably a good idea not to overload yourself while in University Studies and keeping your options open (especially if you consider yourself a “lax dude”).</p>

<p>Pretty sure “LAX” refers to lacrosse.</p>

<p>Yeah that’s extremely doable.</p>

<p>Thanks again, Chris.</p>

<p>I’m taking the math to either go into engineering or business in the future, and yes lax refers to lacrosse. Although I haven’t played since sophomore year of high school.</p>