First Semester Pre-Med Course Load?

I am taking General Bio with lab, General Chem with lab, beginners Calculus and Accelerated Elementary Spanish for a total of 16 credits my first freshman semester. Is this too much? I have a concrete foundation in Spanish so the course I was placed in will not be a challenge. In HS I excelled in both biology and chemistry and I feel as if my schedule won’t be too arduous, but that is a moot point considering that other pre-meds with the same mindset fail or drop the courses. The degree I am seeking is a B.S. in Health Science: Pre-Medicine, so I also need to take two semesters of orgo chem, two semesters of physics, and a myriad of other health-related courses such as epidemiology, biochemistry, genetics, nutrition, and anatomy and physiology before my MCAT junior year. Ergo, I figured that doing biology and chemistry together my first year would definitely open up some space for scheduling down the road. My pre-med roommate and my friends are also taking a similar course load.

Tough schedule but will keep you on target to graduate in 4 years

Definitely doable. Go to class and don’t slack off!