<p>k, i'll start. i'm from long island :)</p>
<p>Southeastern Pennsylvania.</p>
<p>south florida :]</p>
<p>I think I win: New Mexico.</p>
<p>Well, at least I win so far.</p>
<p>what are we competing for, that you are winning?</p>
<p>Ha, I guess I made it a “who is the farthest from New York” contest.</p>
<p>JoshRodri… you win!</p>
<p>oh haha, okay :]
there’s a guy from south america in another thread, but he’s not here…!</p>
<p>I think I’m the most south… Sydney, Australia!</p>
<p>I think I win!</p>
<p>LOL, I think Australia tops it off…must have a wicked accent…haha</p>
<p>I’m from McLean, Virginia–just a train ride away :)</p>
<p>I’m from Long Island too, what part thread starter?</p>
<p>my accent is ■■■■■■■■, cause mom is american and I spent a semester at high school there so I dont have a fully aussie accent… but it would seem fully aussie to you I guess…</p>
<p>What an interesting mix…this I got to hear </p>
<p>Well, just in general…British or Australian…any accent…fascinates me…Don’t have a clue why, but let’s just say, living in the suburbs, and attending an extremely white school–our school was once upon a time featured on MTV as one of the snobbiest–makes me fascinated in diversity…and yes, especially accents haha</p>
<p>well maybe you’ll hear it next year lol if I get in… which is looking highly doubtful. Columbia is my real reach… my GPA is pitiful, but that may be cause they calculate it weird here I think… but my accent is ■■■■■■■■ cause when I go to the states I get… so your aussie (obviously duh) but here I get “are you american?” and its like noooooooo I’ve lived here my entire life!</p>
<p>Haha Must be fun with such an accent! </p>
<p>Well don’t get your hopes down! I don’t think a GPA will ruin all your chances! Just work hard on your essays, and just show how determined you are to attend Columbia! Although, Australia…I assume you’re an international applicant? Must be real tough…but I’m sure you’ll be fine! </p>
<p>I’m a successful ED applicant, Columbia SEAS Class of 2013, by the way! Keep me updated!</p>
<p>Salina, Kansas</p>
<p>nope not international xD US citizen residing abroad gotta love that passport</p>
<p>well III live in Michigan but i was Born in Romania, does that count at all? :P</p>