First Thread!

<p>Hahha I am so excited for Chicago!</p>

<p>samesies yo.</p>

<p>Most definitely. :>)</p>

<p>Go Maroons '13!!</p>

<p>I’m gonna paint myself maroon. :P</p>

<p>WOOT!!! I’m so excited, I’m ecstatic :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :D</p>

<p>You’re green.</p>

<p>You’re only allowed in if you’re maroon.</p>

<p>Oh but can’t I be green and maroon? They both have double letters after all…</p>

<p>No you can’t be both.</p>

<p>DECIDE. >:[</p>


<p>For being light and bright your tone sure doesn’t reflect it… XD</p>

<p>Now, now, children…no fighting. </p>

<p>UChicagoans don’t fight…we raise all holy h**l. XD</p>

<p>I’m loving the relief of knowing that I can go to college. (UChicago’s around my second choice now, and this is pre-visit, so a combination of a visit and RD results and financial aid will have the final say I suppose.)</p>

<p>However, I can’t help but feel a slight pang – after all, I’ve just ruined my plan of becoming a hermit, living under a bridge, and writing/selling college essays for a living after not getting in anywhere. XD</p>

<p>The visit is really cool…I did a tour last Thanksgiving, and it was then that I realized I would have to apply to the school. It wasn’t until I looked at a lot more stats, etc. online that I realized that I probably (hopefully!) belonged at UChicago.</p>

<p>Where are you from in Mass, elenduiel?? I’m a fellow New Englander. XD</p>

<p>I realized I probably belonged at Chicago when they sent me the postcards with everything from the batsignal to the “match the astronomer to his telescope namesake” game. XD</p>

<p>I’m in Webster, but I go to school in Worcester.
Where are you? Did you get hit by the big storm?</p>

<p>I’m in suburban southern Maine–a town just outside Portland, if you know Maine at all. We lost power early morning on Friday and got it back at 5 pm on Saturday, so yeah, we got a ton of ice. :(</p>

<p>Supposed to snow again tonight, although here on the coast we’ll only get like 3 inches, and they’ll probably still send us to school.</p>

<p>Yeah, we’re supposed to be getting a mix of snow and sleet tonight into tomorrow here. I’m hoping for no school, since tomorrow’s our last day before break anyway (and I have two tests that I’d rather not take since I can’t focus on anything anymore, haha).</p>

<p>Oh man, you guys are so lucky. I have school up through the 23rd!! Arrrrrgh.</p>

<p>23rd? You’re the lucky one – I have a half-day of school on the 24th.</p>

<p>Are you kidding me??? That’s nutso! Where in the country are you?</p>

<p>Ouch! That’s awful!</p>

<p>My school mainly gets a long break because we have a lot of boarding students (who are either international or from other parts of the U.S.) who tend to go home for winter break.</p>

<p>I’m out at the end of the week, with half-days (for finals) on Weds, Thurs, and Friday. :D</p>

<p>Still, finals. Ugh. I’ve got 5 essays to write for tomorrow and then 5 more essays to write in class tomorrow for my AP Lit final. Each around 500 words, which isn’t bad. Could’ve been worse. Meh.</p>

<p>On the other hand, we get absolutely no snow (go Georgia!). We just get small flurries and call those “snow.” And school is canceled whenever we think it’s going to snow, but then it doesn’t get canceled when it does snow. (I love this logic!) :D</p>