<p>I never drank before in high school, but I feel like I want to have a couple drinks occasionally in college at parties at stuff. I'm not trying to get wasted or pass out cause I'm too drunk or anything like that; I just wanna try new things and have some fun. But I don't wanna look stupid or not know what I'm doing, you know? What things should I know beforehand, like how much to drink, what to drink, etc.?</p>
<p>My best advice would be decide how much you’re going to drink before you go- I would stick with one or maybe two cups/bottles. That will help you not get carried away and think “one more would be fine” and end up blacked-out. I would also just stick with beer or a basic drink. I wouldn’t try anything mixed up by your friends cuz that usually tastes like crap and is a waste of a drink.</p>
<p>EDIT: Oh, and hopefully this is a no brainer, but if you start feeling tipsy, stop drinking. Have water or something.</p>
<p>Everyone has their own tastes, its hard to tell you what not to drink, or what to drink for your first time, best bet is to try all types and see what you like.</p>
<p>But if I were you, I’d go with beer(budlight) or if we are talking liquor don’t take shots right off the bat. Start with something light like vodka + orange juice (screwdriver).
Drink a water in between drinks if you don’t want to get plastered, and just maintain a pleasant buzz, also eat something before you start drinking. Keep with that until you find your comfort + tolerance level.</p>
<p>On another note, temptation is a b****, I can almost garuntee that you’ll be pressed to drink more than you want and you’ll do it too. At which point you’ll end up floor’d. Just make sure you are around people you can absolutely trust.</p>
<p>For myself, I used to hit up the party scene underage at the barracks, and have had some rough mornings, as well as talk myself out of an Article 15 from none other than my commander. 5 years later though, I mostly chill on a class of Crown Royal, Jack, Hennessy, with a coke, or straight on rocks, and only with my closest friends.</p>
<p>prepare to be sorely disappointed with the alcohol available at college parties. usually, what they have is very cheap beer. I find it challenging to even put down one, much less enough to get wasted.</p>
<p>don’t drink on an empty stomach, pace yourself, and keep people you trust around you. try to be observant of your behaviour. If someone’s pressuring you to drink more (which, between friends, is not that unreasonable. It’s not that big a deal for someone to tell their buddy to have another one and have a good time), and you start being uncomfortable with it, tell them to stop. If they don’t, or they give you a hard time, don’t give in.</p>
<p>Don’t be afraid if you realise you’re behaving a bit more loosely. That’s what alcohol does. But make sure that you pace yourself and don’t drink anymore once you feel close to how loosened you want to feel.</p>
<p>If you’re mixing drinks, pay attention to the kind of drink you’re mixing…For example, if it’s Bacardi, don’t mix 50/50, etc. And just count your drinks. Wine coolers are easy to drink a lot of because it tastes “good” and fruity and it’s easy to drink a lot, because they taste so good. Be careful about stuff like that. </p>
<p>You’ll be fine. Lots of people are where you are. :)</p>
<p>And ^^ughhh I really dislike beer, especially Keystone, etc types…****.</p>
<p>Eat light snacks while drinking, and decide beforehand how much you want to limit yourself to. Be sure that you['re with people you trust to keep you safe if anything happens, and don’t be alone with strangers when drinking.</p>
<p>Start with beer, hard liquor is an acquired taste (and I’ve never acquired it save for a few good ones, to hell with it otherwise). Eat before drinking, watch your intake and you’ll be riding the buzz wave with no consequences. </p>
<p>Everybody is different. I’ve got a friend who has about the same body composition as I do yet he can drink me under the table. I had like three beers over a somewhat short timespan the other day (a Corona and two Sierra Nevadas) and while I felt pretty good I definitely wasn’t drunk or even tipsy really. If I had bolted them down as quickly as possible I would have been drunk and if I had spaced them out over three hours I would have not felt much at all.</p>
<p>Don’t have mixed drinks. The juice will disguise the alchohol, and you won’t really know how much your drinking. Don’t worry about doing stupid stuff, everyone does from time to time, and people just think its funny, you won’t be teazed about it or anything. Same goes for overdoing it a few times as a beginner. </p>
<p>I’d just start by having 2 or 3 beers, if you wanna play it safe.</p>
<p>Vodka is the devil, and tequila is his right hand man.</p>
<p>Start with beer. Usually you can drink more of that before you start feeling tipsy.</p>
<p>If drinking vodka, decide how many shots you’re going to drink and stick to it. Be sure to eat a good meal before and drink water in between.</p>
<p>Don’t eat too good of a meal cause you may be seeing it later. Honestly most people go past their limit the first time drinking. Take a few shots and drink water, no one will remember it in the morning anyways.</p>
<p>@yankees20 agreed.
when ur drinking vodka and it starts to taste like water, u r going to have a bad tomorrow</p>
<p>Just take 2-4 shots of some hard liquor and you will experience feeling tipsy/a little drunk. It’s the eaisiest way, especially if you cant pound down what ever nasty beer is at these parties</p>
<p>Only problem with that is a first time drinker probably won’t be able to hold down 2-4 shots of hard liqour, let alone one. Need an “ice breaker” first.</p>
<p>Just don’t be a victim of it(ice breaking)…If some guy is offering you mixed drinks, and changes immediately to hard liqour shots the moment your face become flushed, he has plans for you.</p>
<p>As for eating before hand- eat something wholesome, not greasy food/takeout.
If you realize that you’ve gone too far, stop drinking and have as much water as it takes to get you back to feeling normalish. I can always tell if I’m going to have a hangover the next morning and I drink water til I’m to the point where I know I won’t.</p>
<p>As far as getting drunk for the first time goes. </p>
<p>1 beer = 1 shot </p>
<p>2-3 = feeling good
4-5 = decently drunk
6-7 = drunk
Don’t go past 7, whatever you do.</p>
<p>OP being a first time drinker…if you’re white, be prepared to act stupid. If you’re Asian, be prepared to turn into a tomato.</p>
<p>if OP is black?</p>
<p>So basically in terms of the potency of the alcohol, it goes something like this?:
Beer< Mixed drink< Hard liquor?</p>
<p>That is basically true, but it depends on the specific alcohol one is drinking and what it is mixed with, if anything. Generally speaking, a standard drink is 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80 proof (40% alcohol by volume) liquor (most whiskeys, vodkas, and rums, but not Bacardi 151 (151 proof) or Everclear (190 proof )). Beer is generally 3.2-12% ABV, wine is generally 9-16% ABV, and liquor is generally 20-55% ABV, though some go as high as 95% ABV. It is a good idea to stay away from hard alcohol (liquor) until you have more experience drinking. It is also recommended to refrain from doing shots of higher-proof/ABV liquors no matter what your level of experience.</p>
<p>While not 100% accurate, enter your stats into a BAC calculator to see what it take for you to be legally drunk and try to stay below that. Remember that different tolerance levels can mask ones true BAC and that alcohol doesn’t metabolize instantly, so don’t drink quickly. 1 drink per hour is a generally a good limit and should keep your BAC at a reasonable level.</p>
<p>While alcohol is relatively harmless in small quantities and may even have some health benefits, it can get very dangerous very quickly. Follow the advice here to only drink around people you trust and to set a limit beforehand. Also, DO NOT DRIVE after drinking, the cost of a taxi or designated driver is cheap when compared to the cost of a DUI or possible deaths that could result of you driving while under the influence of alcohol.</p>