First Visit

<p>My son is currently a Junior in HS. We would like to visit , but due to high school sports and marching band commitments in the Spring and Fall, we will have to visit in the beginning of August. If we don’t do the visit then, we would have to wait until November and take time off school. Did anyone else do a first visit in the summer?
We are coming from Western NY state, so have quite a drive, and I would like to make the most of our time there. Will admissions set up an individualized visit for us, or do we just do whatever tours are offered that day? My son has an excellent shot at being a NMSF/NMF and is interested in Telecommunications/Film. We would like to tour that department and hopefully speak with someone from that department.</p>

<p>We didn’t visit in the summer, managed to do it in the fall but I would guess that the process is the same.</p>

<p>Contact Jami Gates in the Honors College. She worked with us and had EVERYTHING setup before we arrived. Honors tour, department visit, visit with a band Prof., lunch with a honors student, dorm tour, the whole nine yards. We visited 6 colleges during fall break, Bama easily was the most organized as far as getting things setup and scheduled.</p>

<p>The one thing I would mention is for you to expect it to be very hot in August !!</p>

<p>Enjoy your visit.</p>

<p>You’d be visiting at a very hot time…which might not give a fair impression of how the weather is most of the school year.</p>

<p>Also, since school is not in session at that time, there were be fewer things to experience.</p>

<p>Admissions mostly only organizes standard tours. Set one up and then give Jami Gates your tour time and date. Tell her your child’s major and likely NMF status. She’ll set up the rest.</p>

<p>Can you come in June instead?</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! Yes, I know it is hot in August. Right now as I sit here freezing, hot sounds good!! Our schools don’t get out until around June 24th up here. At which point my H is involved in coaching S2’s baseball team, S1 (the Junior) will also be playing on a different team. The beginning of August was the only available time, sandwiched between the end of summer sports, and the beginning of our marching band camp and school fall sports practices. I want my H to go along, as I did all of D1 and D2’s college visits on my own. I would love to come over our April break, but S2 has Varsity baseball games he has to be at, so we can only make a very quick trip to UNC Wilmington, and Drexel in Philadelphia.
I will definitely contact Jami Gates. I was hoping for a name of someone who would help us out. Thanks!</p>

<p>Jami Gates email</p>

<p><a href=“”></a></p>