<p>Hey Everyone,</p>
<p>Sorry about the weird post title, but I want to ensure that I don't upset anyone around here.</p>
<p>First of all: I love the UofC. </p>
<p>I used to post quite a bit last year, but as you may suspect, the University of Chicago certainly keeps one busy, so my post count has not moved much this academic year. My 9th week here is coming to an end, and I am certainly not using hyperbole when I say that I am having the best time of my life.</p>
<p>I know that so many of you are feeling very pressured to finish apps, or anxious to get letters back, but I hope that you've figured out by now that no matter what happened you will be in great shape when next year rolls around. The one thing which I am most thankful for when I think back to my college application process is that I decided to attend the University of Chicago because I felt it was the best place for me. I had - as I'm sure many of you do - tons of people around me telling me I should apply there, attend there, go there 'cause the ranking is better, stay there 'cause it was closer, go there because.... and each person was definitely telling me what they whole-heartedly believed to be the best thing for me. However, I WAS THE ONE ATTENDING, not them, so at the end of the day, what mattered was what was most important to me ---> and it has paid off very nicely. I hope all of you take this message to heart these next coming months, especially when april-may rolls around.</p>
<p>On a second note, I've started a blog this past year which has been... well, a learning process. I haven't written on it much, but it was meant to be a place in which I would discuss all-things Chicago. It has retained that quality, but it quickly became a place in which I discussed more general university related things than my actual day-to-day activites. Nevertheless, my first few posts have mainly been about what I've been doing here. I hope that you all check it out! I'd also suggest reading it in the inverse order (older posts first) so you can get an actual picture of what its been like here. If any of you ever want me to write about something which I haven't tackled yet, do let me know! Having said that, I hope you all enjoy it.</p>
<p><a href="http://chicagoboy2010.blogspot.com%5B/url%5D">http://chicagoboy2010.blogspot.com</a></p>