<p>lol I’m in the same boat!! I check just to make sure there haven’t been acceptances yet. Count down is like two or so weeks!! woo! midterms next week and then I’m second semester senior!! yay!</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m already in my second semester. Let me tell you one thing, SLOW. Everything goes by at a snail’s pace. I’ve just decided I need to find something to keep me busy, so I am focusing on various hobbies and activities. Hopefully we will all be saying Fight On! in a few weeks.</p>
<p>At least you guys have school to concentrate on, cause of our different school years… I don’t even have that… so its like I sit at home and think “usc…usc…usc…usc… I’m not going to get in… usc…usc…usc…” and its like argh… specially now cause I have blisters on my feet (dont ask) and I can’t really do anything. At least like before i could go to the beach… or the movies… but now its like all in one week… usc decisions come out… two of my friends are leaving for a year… and I have my driving test… and aussie uni offers come out… and its lie ARGH GO AWAY</p>
<p>I was actually thinking about your position when I last posted beeish… I find that I think about it more in school and afterschool than on the weekends. This is because at school I am extremely bored, so naturally it wanders to USC. Afterschool, I don’t have a huge amount of free time, so I have no time to organize something with my friends to keep me busy. On weekends, I can hang with friends or go hiking or just go out, so I’m not thinking about USC. And, I’m sure no one wanted to hear that so I’ll cut it short :D. Beeish, don’t get a job, b/c then you will think about it nonstop. Beg your friends to help keep you busy… believe me it helps. By the way… so you have like 8 months off?!?</p>
<p>yep… actually more like ten months… technically graduated at the end of September… but we had exams from mid-october to november 6th… so been doing nothing since november 6th basically… unfortunatley most of my friends are overseas at the moment… but one gets back tomorrow <em>super happy</em> so hopefully that will keep me busyish… and I have my driving test in a week eeek… so trying to concentrate on that instead haha. Buts its like at this very moment I have nothing better to do then read CC… surf facebook… basically obsess about USC lol… it doesn’t help that my room is plastered with USC pillow and I am at this very moment leaning against a USC pillow… its like constant reminders… trying to up the excercise cause that gets my mind of it too… but have massive blisters on the soles of my feet… which kinda prevent me from walking/running… makes it kinda hard.
Trying to go out more once my friends get back to aussieland cause then it will be like too busy to think about it. Problem is going to LA for a month in a month to visit family and its going to be like schools so close, but soo far <em>pulls out hair</em> at least you guys understand what I’m talking about to want to go to a school so bad. I try to explain it to people here and they look at me like i’m completely and utterly nuts.</p>
<p>Hi guys!
I just got accepted Priority mail, white envelope.</p>
when was your mail postmarked?
Do you already recieved a scholarship as well?
<p>I really need to cut myself off for the next week… only going to drive myself crazy</p>
<p>I’m with you beeish.</p>
<p>Man, these next two and a half months are really gonna bring me down.</p>
<p>It was postmarked the 23rd (I live in SoCal so it took the one day).
No, it said financial information&merit scholarships needed to be applied for. I got all the housing contracts though! Haha.</p>
<p>hey has anyone else been accepted to USC?
I got the acceptance package a few days ago…I wasn’t expecting to find out until april 1st.
Does anyone know why they sent out these early acceptances?? Im happy, but curious…</p>
<p>Yup, I do!
I believe you’re going to get a form that states you’re a finalist for the trustee scholarships (which is basically full ride.) And you have to go to an Explore USC overnight thing at the end of February to learn more and have another interview that will decide which level of scholarship you’re going to get.
At least, that’s what I got. And I think that’s the reason for early acceptances (or so I hear from class of 2008-ers)</p>
<p>My parents just received a letter from the FinancialAid Dept. of USC. I applied very late Dec., and have yet to receive any communication. My status page has the standard:</p>
<p>"We have completed a preliminary review of your application. We sometimes request additional information (senior-year grades, for example), so be sure to watch the mail. You may submit senior year grades at <a href=“http://www.usc.edu/MDYResponse[/url]”>www.usc.edu/MDYResponse</a>, even if we did not specifically request them. We are continuing to review applications and expect to mail notification of a decision by April 1st</p>
<p>I posted my grades, however did not receive a request for same in mail. I was wondering if the FinancialAid letter my parents received gives an insight? Some you have mentioned “hints” - I hope this is a good hint. </p>
<p>Please post any insights?</p>
<p>So I have a 3.77 gpa, I got a 27 on the ACT and so far I have gotten into UW- Madison
UW-Milwaukee and CSU Long Beach
What do you think the odds are?
it seems really borderline to me so Im not sure</p>
<p>Perfect for a Spring admit or transfer student looking for affordable housing close to campus.</p>
<p>Fully furnished, utilities included. Sublease from December or January through May with option to renew. Parking spaces and laundry available onsite. 10 feet from a USC Tram Stop. Only 2 minutes away from campus and one block from The Row.</p>
<p>Email me to schedule a tour. Please contact me as soon as possible, as I’d like to move out before I go home for break.</p>
<p>[Uloop</a> - USC Sublets, Housing, $500/Month USC Apartment](<a href=“http://usc.uloop.com/housing/view.php/1064647]Uloop”>This listing has expired)
<a href=“mailto:mquandt@usc.edu”>mquandt@usc.edu</a></p>
2636 Portland Street, Los Angeles, CA</p>