FIT Applicants - FALL 2020

Hi :slight_smile: This thread is for anybody applying for Fall 2020. I know most people probably haven’t started yet, but I’m just making this for when the time comes! Feel free to talk about what major you’re applying to or any problems you’re having with the application process.

Personally I’m applying to Film & Media + Pres Scholars, and the only reason I’m applying so early is because I applied last year (and got waitlisted then rejected) so I had some of my stuff ready already. Since I’ve been through the application process before, I can probably help y’all out with any questions later on!

As this thread gets going, let me post some advice for future business majors. This is what my son and I learned after going through the process (successfully) last year. The majority of you are going to want to apply for FBM. It is such a competitive major. It is also the most “transferred out” of major. Think long and hard about possibly choosing one of the less competitive majors especially if your high school average is not 90 or above. This strategy worked well for my child whose high school average was only 82. His friend had a higher GPA (86ish) and applied for FBM and did not make it. After we went through the application process we discovered a youtube video by Jadyin Lopez called “Everything about Fashion Institute of Technology” which gave a lot of information about the majors that we didn’t get from the FIT website, college fairs, or even visiting in person.
Also, your essay is huge. Make it killer. And talking to other parents whose kids were accepted, we noticed that many students went to one of the FIT pre-college programs or something similar. Good luck everyone.

Thanks @joyg! Very helpful.

I’m applying for the Communication Design AAS. For any applying to this the advice I’ve gotten from current students was to make your portfolio as diverse in skill as possible so that you show you’re willing to try new styles even though they don’t turn out perfect. Your essay is also super important to explain what you’ve done so far in regards to communication design and what you hope to achieve at FIT and further. (both essays!)
Good luck to everyone in every major !

Can I ask what your major your ended up applying/getting accepted into? I’m applying for FBM and have a B average gpa. I’m making sure my essay is super good, but am terrified my gpa will ruin it. @JoyG

Can I ask what your major your ended up applying/getting accepted into? I’m applying for FBM and have a B average gpa. I’m making sure my essay is super good, but am terrified my gpa will ruin it. @JoyG

I am looking to apply to the Graphic Design BFA as a future junior transfer student and LET ME JUST SAY: the process has SUCKED so far. I visited FIT recently, and got to talk to some of the department professors briefly. They failed to provide any info I did not already know about the transfer process. I’ve noticed that FIT tends to have this pretentious attitude which is so annoying because at the end of the day- its a SUNY. They are not very flexible with their courses and requirements… as of now I may be held back a year because they are insisting I take their foundations Associates Degree program, even though most of my credits right now should transfer because they match the criteria, but may not because it simply isn’t FIT’s curriculum. I am reconsidering my choices to transfer now. On top of this, transfers don’t receive priority.

This is true. Along with diversity, they want to see the process behind your work. When submitting your work online, make sure it’s nicely photographed and organized. When I visited they emphasized presentation.

I’m already super anxious to hear back! I’ve already applied in FBM and am in the process of applying for the Presidential Scholarship Program. I have a 3.86 GPA, but I’m not sure if my essay was up to par. If anyone else is applying/ has applied for the scholarship program, any tips??

Hey Everyone!
I am applying to major in Advertising and Marketing Communications as an international student from England.
Does anyone have any advice about what FIT is looking for in business major students and things I should include in my essay?
Thanks so much xx

If you search on youtube for “how I got into FIT” or “fit essay” you will find a lot of youtubers actually read their essays in videos. That will give you a sense of what’s worked for some people.

Hi everyone!
I’m applying for FBM as an international student from India.
Does anyone know if FIT offers any scholarships or financial aid to international students?
Thank you

Hi everyone,

So my daughter just finished applying to FIT, FBM. Her GPA is a strong B+. This is her dream school. I know it’s pretty competitive, and she will be devistated being waitlisted or declined. Her essay was pretty great I thought. I hope they like it too! After submitting (copy and paste into the appropriate section) the essay, they send you back the google form showing you what you submitted along with your current college courses (if taking any) etc… It came back looking all jammed up, losing the indentation and the separation of paragraphs. Did this happen to everyone else? And does she have to wait until April of next year to get the answer? We were hoping by then to have made her final decision, have there, or where ever she is going, everything signed and settled, housing included, no later than than.

@hakunamatata858 no FIT doesn’t offer financial aid to international students

@Magbro If she applied for Fall 2020 then she’ll get her decision on April 1st the latest. If she doesn’t receive anything by April 1st you can call into Admissions the day after and if a decision is ready for you they’ll offer to email a PDF version so you don’t have to wait as the original physical decision is in the mail to you.

I am also applying for Fall 2020 AAS Communication Design. I’m in the middle of writing my essays. And I’m confused on what to write about for the “When did your creative vision differ from a teacher/employer? How did you handle it” prompt.

Is it possible to talk on ig?

Hi! I’m applying too, and I submitted my SUNY application like two weeks ago and still haven’t gotten the email to go ahead and apply to FIT :frowning: anyone else experiencing this problem?

@Magbro hi! I am a current student at FIT who got accepted for FBM for fall 2019. A B+ average is great. Also, the essay does lose its format when you put it into the Google Form. It happened to me as well, and I got accepted! You will find out if you got in late March-mid April. Hope this helped. :slight_smile: