FIT Fall 2021 Admissions

Hi! My name is Mia, i’m from New York & I’ve recently applied to FIT! Being this is my dream school & I have to wait till late March/early April for my decision I figured I’d try to meet some people are in the same boat as me :slight_smile:

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Hi my name is Angelo! Fit is my top school and im from PA. I dont think I can wait that long, the suspense is killing me.

Hi I’m Talia, FIT is also my top school!!! I applied to be the AMC major.

Hi, I applied to FIT’s Studio Art Program for this coming Fall. I am a HS senior in upstate New York and am excited to find out if I get in. One of my friends is a Sophomore this year in Graphic Design and his mom has given me a few tips to share. Make sure all to check your application status and all the dates are filled in for your transcript, portfolio (if you need one) and your essay. I checked mine and the transcript had not been dated, when I called I spoke to admission and she had to find it for me as it was in my SUNY app and wasn’t sent through Naviance. Hope his helps someone else! Also COA will change every step of the way so you may know before the actual letter that you are in! ~ Bella

Hi! My transcript and essay both have dates where it’s been received but there’s no status. Is that fine or is there something wrong ? Also where can I find the COA ? Sorry to bombard you with questions I just want to know as much as possible so I’m not lost in the future lol.

Me too omg.

How would you compare FIT with Parsons?

I feel like Parsons deals with the Arts more and FIT deals with the Arts as well as Business.

So did I! hopefully we get in!

@miamaraa yeahh mine is like that too, I believe there is no status because they might not have reviewed it yet. i’m not sure if the coa is available yet either but you can find it under “financial aid resources” and it is cost of education instead of cost of attendance which is pretty much the same thing. hope that helps :slight_smile:

@taliaesh i’m majoring in AMC too :crossed_fingers:t4:

I made a Facebook group page called FIT class of 2025 (hopefully). Feel free to join and let your friends know so that we can share info with each other

Thank you!

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Talia is theFIT 2025 fb page set up? Can you add a link here

It won’t let me add links but it’s called “FIT class of 2024 (hopefully)”

Correction “FIT class of 2025 (hopefully)”

I was told that we might find out about our admission decision on the 1st of February by the FIT admissions if all the requirements have been fulfilled before February 1st? Has anyone else been told this?

@miaconcia No I haven’t been told this but I have heard that some people from previous years have heard back on february 1st so fingers crossed guys!

Also has anyone’s “status” on the requirements on their application summary been updated to anything or is it blank as well? Like at the bottom where there are sections labeled requirements, received, note, and then status.

It’s so agonising because nothing has changed :confused: It all says received, the date, then a note but the status is blank… I also can’t quite figure out where their decision will be posted. I read somewhere that they mail the decisions in the post? I hope not because I live in Switzerland. I pray I get an email notification but I keep checking MyFIT just in case… Good luck!