Younger son is academically advanced (high SATs, great grades) but extremely introverted. He spent his first two years at community college and did very well. Now he is transferring to a four-year institution here in NC. He was accepted to all the schools he applied to, including Chapel Hill. But he wants to go to UNC Wilmington; he enjoyed our campus visit, found the people friendly and welcoming, etc.
However, various people are telling me he would be crazy to turn down Chapel Hill…that it would be better for his career, etc. etc. etc.
I don’t want to pressure him. I kind of pressured older son to do the MA in Management program at Wake Forest, and he has not exactly enjoyed it.
We’ve already signed up for UNCW. We have until 5/15 to give Chapel Hill a decision. I still feel conflicted, but my son really does not want to go to a huge, overwhelming school.
What is more important - your son’s happiness at his chosen school or the opinion of others? Chapel Hill is a great school, but not right for everyone. Sure it has better name recognition, but will he thrive more in the smaller school? Future employers are not going to know where he could have gone. In a couple years no one will even remember that what could have been - it will all be about what he does with the education he received.
Thanks!! That is reassuring. Yes, my son;s happiness is MUCH more important. 
His main reason for preferring UNCW is the apparent friendliness of the faculty and students. When we visited, we had a long conversation with a very extroverted senior, who was immensely friendly and helpful. (He had turned down NC State for UNCW, BTW.) This helpful fellow confirmed for us what we had long suspected: Extroverts and introverts get along great together. Extroverts like to talk, and introverts like to listen. LOL!!! So, we’re thinking our very introverted DS will have no trouble making friends. 
Your instincts are right. Let him choose. They aren’t the ones who have to live with the decision – your son does.
To be blunt, UNCW is the obvious choice if he wants to be happy and free of widespread snobbery amongst his fellow students.
I totally understand your dilema. DS16 turned down Clemson Honors for College of Charleston Honors for many of the reasons you listed. A happy student tends to excel over an unhappy one. I give your son a lot of credit for being able to have enough self awareness to make the best choice for him. Good luck.
@LadyDianeski which did your son pick?? My daughter turned down CH for HC at ECU based on fit and she loves it, but it has been a year and we still get odd looks from her friends and mine…
What matters is, is that he is the type of person who can get into UNC. He will be successful because he is that smart and is a high caliber student. He will be successful anywhere, so go with fit.