<p>Hey I just wanted to know are the students at Tulane predominately preppy people? i really would prefer to go to a southern school due to the weather being much better, but would I fit in due to my different style of dress and views? Mostly all southern schools I've visited are composed of collared shirt wearing republicans (nothing wrong with that) but is tulane the same way?</p>
<p>oh btw I hope I don’t sound too negative in this post/question. Due to the fact that i go to a small southern private school I’ve just been around the same close-minded people for quite some time and would like a change.</p>
<p>My son is a jeans and t-shirt kid, and he seems to fit in just fine. Don’t forget, many of the students who attend Tulane are not from the South. </p>
<p>When we were looking at schools we visited UVA. Now that’s where you see the collared shirt, preppy style. From what my son tells me, at Tulane it’s just about being yourself.</p>