Five College Consortium classes - difficulty in securing?

Does anyone have first hand knowledge of how competitive it is to secure out of major classes at Mount Holyoke and Amherst College? Do they fill quickly?

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My kid was able to get the classes that they wanted, but they were not in an extremely popular, over-enrolled subject. They did have to wait until a certain point to be able to enroll, so their schedule was a little bit up in the air until then, but it always worked out for them.

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Thank you! Good to know in advance.

My daughter is a current junior at Mount Holyoke and has taken classes at Umass, Hampshire and Smith. As mentioned above you have to wait until a certain point to sign up, and it generally involves an email to the professor, but she has had good luck getting classes she is interested in. She didn’t have luck getting a class at Amherst in the fall, but she kind of gave up too early after the professor told her it was full - a friend wanting the same class showed up to the first class, continued talks with the professor, and got it in the end. My daughter is going to try again in the fall, as she is really interested in that class. I think you get better at it the further along you go….

Regarding Mount Holyoke, they do have some classes that fill up (as do they all), so popular classes may be challenging, but my daughter has had several five College students in her classes.


Thank you! Greatly appreciate the information. I would like my D to get the best from it. It’s good for them to initiate the process; real life experience.

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