FLC for Students in Honors Program?

<p>Sorry…I am sure this is somewhere in this forum, but I just don’t have time to look for it seeing that we are leaving for BB tomorrow (YIPPEE! :-). My son keeps getting e-mails and letters suggesting he join a Freshman Learning Community, but the UA recruiter for this area said that she does not recommend he join one since he is part of the honors college and therefore will already be part of a small community within the university. Does anyone have any opinion about this? THANKS!</p>

<p>I vote with the recruiter.</p>

<p>I signed up for a FLC because I thought it sounded interesting, but I’ve been hearing the same thing about doing one and being in the honors college - including from my BB advisor. They didn’t explain why though. Does anyone have any experience with it or should I drop out of my FLC?</p>

<p>Okay, I stand corrected. It really depends upon the major. My D is in Honors and also participated in a FLC, but not a live/learn community. In a Freshman Learning Community the students take classes together, but do not live together. In my D’s case, she took three classes with those in her FLC since she already had credit for some of the others. Check out this link for more information:</p>

<p>[Home</a>](<a href=“http://flc.ua.edu/?page_id=846]Home”>http://flc.ua.edu/?page_id=846)</p>

<p>After discussing this with my D, I stand corrected. I was thinking of the live/learn community. She says she really enjoyed being a part of her FLC and found it beneficial to her.</p>

<p>My S also took one of the FLC classes this past Fall. He really enjoyed his FLC class and felt it was very beneficial to him. There were 10 other students in the class and two professors. It was an opportunity to get to know both professors really well since it was a small discussion style class. The professors also got to know each of the students well and were able to advise them in and out of the classroom on a variety of Freshman questions. My S is also in the IHC and the UHC. If the FLC works into your schedule and is a topic you enjoy I think it would be helpful to take the class.</p>