FLC Linked Courses

<p>Can anyone tell me how we find out what FLC courses are linked? Is there only one FLC section and all the kids try to take the same classes or are there several different FLC sections within which those blocks of kids take classes together? Not quite sure I understand how it works.</p>

<p>This link may help you. As for which specific sections of those classes are linked I think you’ll have to look at the header and look for a common theme. For the most part the freshman English class is the one where most of the students will be in the same section of class. </p>

<p>[Topics</a>](<a href=“http://flc.ua.edu/?page_id=843]Topics”>http://flc.ua.edu/?page_id=843)</p>

<p>Thanks, that is helpful. If my S wanted to take History and Hollywood, for example, how would he know which sections of ENG and HIST to take in order to be linked to that specific FLC?</p>

<p>Also, I see that this particular FLC is linked to 3 different classes. Would that mean that S would have to take all three of those classes first semester? (Not really possible with his Engineering schedule.)</p>

<p>*History and Hollywood – James Mixson, PhD – History</p>

<p>This FLC will explore the complex relationships between history and film. We will draw from your readings and experiences in all of your current classes to work toward a deeper understanding of what history is, what historians do, and how film as a genre enriches, shapes, and re-shapes our understanding of the past.</p>

<p>Linked Courses: EN 101/103, HY 101, TCF 112</p>


<p>I don’t know if all the classes are supposed to be taken Fall semester. Is your son coming in with AP English credits? How about AP World History credits?</p>

<p>I’m not sure that the FLC classes (if all are req’d) would work well with an eng’g major…especially if the student already has AP credits.</p>

<p>That’s OK…I am glad to cross this off the list. All the different options are confusing me. :)</p>

<p>Well the History class would be the section that Mixson teaches HY -101 -014 so that one is easy. But it doesn’t look like they’ve assigned the English classes to specific FLC’s yet. Once they do the English class will list the theme of the FLC in it’s header on the registration page. </p>

<p>I had this same issue 2 years ago. They didn’t actually come out with the linked class schedule until mid summer and since we didn’t want to get stuck with an 8 or 9 am class we just didn’t sign up for an FLC.</p>

<p>You can email the the Prof in charge of the FLC and ask him if he knows what sections are linked to that specific FLC. He might know.</p>

<p>I signed up for a FLC, but it is not showing up a certain course on Degreeworks. Will the recommended courses show up for that FLC when I attend Bama Bound?</p>

<p>Not sure. DegreeWorks isn’t a perfect instrument. Maybe you could email the FLC folks and ask what courses are necessary.</p>