Flexible Testing Policy

I’m applying regular decision, but I just have a question about the flexible testing policy. Can I send in sub scores of my tests? I wanted to send in my ACT Math, ACT English, and AP score. Is this possible? Thanks for all your help!

If you want them to consider your AP scores as part of the flexible testing option then I would definitely spend the money to send an official AP score test form College Board UNLESS your high school includes AP scores on the official transcript. For sure I would call admissions to clarify if scores reported on a transcript count.

Regarding ACT scores, they do receive the the 4 individual components of your overall composite so they will already have received your math, science, English, Reading, and essay/writing scores if you have submitted an official ACT score. You can’t just submit parts of the ACT, results of the entire test will be submitted when an official score report is requested. If you are talking about the raw scores within the individual sub scores, they don’t care about raw scores. The scaled official score counts.

Remember, the beauty of the flexible testing is that the admissions committee will choose from the different test scores that put you in the best light. You submit your entire ACT and/or SAT (even multiple sittings if subsections are higher) if you want to, SAT2s if you want to, and APs if you want to. I talked to them about this a few months ago and they used to require the applicant choose the tests he/she wanted the committee to consider but admissions often found that their own committee did a much better job at identifying which tests indicated strength in the different categories. So now they don’t require you to direct them to the scores, they will pick the best ones for you :slight_smile: